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"Where do you think you going ??" Asked Luke.

"Just for a walk why??" Said Alice.

"You'll get yourself in trouble Alice " added Luke.

"I'll be fine relax " Said Alice showing that she's now annoyed.

"I'll come with you " added Luke.

" No man you're not my bf and I want to be alone okay??" Replied Alice.

Luke nodded and let Alice go but he said he'll wait up for her. As she was admiring the beautiful flowers suddenly everything went dark and she fell unconscious. She woke up to a very painful headache not knowing how long she was out. She then heard someone shouting her name but it was muffled. Her vision became blurry and then she saw a figure in front of her. Alice fell unconscious someone now picking her up in their arms, she opened her eyes slightly and saw dark green hair.

The next day she woke up in her room with a bandage around her arm but it was a bit late , nearing evening. She took the blankets and pushed them to the side. Then her room door opened to Rosie. Nova and Luke who had a tray of food for Alice.

"Alice are you okay???" Asked Nova.

"Yes I am " Alice said in a soft voice.

" Well eat up " said Roise.

Rosie and Nova left the room since Luke was in the room with Alice.

"Thanks for helping me in that hole" said Alice.

"You're welcome now next time be careful idiot" said Luke.

Soon after Alice finished her food Luke left as she wanted to sleep. But she couldn't sleep as she thought about the queen that's when the lights started flickering. She got out of her bed and that's when a figure appeared behind. Alice screamed waking everyone up. They rushed to her room seeing the window open.

"What happened??" Rosie asked.

"Alice she's gone..." Said Oliver.

"Her bandage is on the floor and her window is open..." Added Luke.

"We have to find her " stated Nova.

"Yes we will but let's check her room to if we find anything..." Exclaimed Noah.

"I have to go to the village to get more supplies oh and I'm going alone " Luke added.

"Why can't we come??" Rosie asked.

"It's personal" replied Luke.

"Please can we come ?? " Begged Nova.

".....Fine but this is the only time and we go look for Alice right after..." Stated Luke.

They left the next morning to get supplies and went to the village which wasn't far. When they entered the village, everyone started to whispering to eachother??

"Why are they whispering to each other ??" Asked Nova softly to Luke.

"I don't really care at this point it's normal by now ..." He added.

"Oh.." said Nova.

They soon went to the stall to get supplies and left to find Alice.

With Alice :

Alice woke up in a chair all tied up. She looked around the room when someone walked in.

"W-who are you?? " Asked Alice.

"Someone you don't have to worry about, oh and you can't use your powers so don't even try to escape" added the person.

When the guy left they ropes untied and she was free from her seat. She banged on the door but it only drained her energy and soon she fainted.

Meanwhile with the others:

"I wonder where she could be..." Said Nova.

"That's why we got to find her as soon as possible..." Replied Luke.

"Do you even know where she is ??" Asked Oliver.

"I think i do" added Luke.

"How ?? " Asked Rosie.

"(Sighs) she sent me a message through her dreams okay " added Luke.

(part of her light powers)


Luke then walked towards large vines on a huge brick wall.

"And it's a dead end??" Added Rosie.

Luke opened a tunnel to the other side. When they entered the other side they saw a forest of mushrooms and a few animals they have never seen before. Although Rosie couldn't shake the feeling as if someone was watching them from afar. Then she suddenly felt something on her neck.

"Rosie are you okay??" Asked Noah.

Rosie didn't respond and fell to the ground revealing a dart in her neck. Noah took the dart out of her neck when one went in his neck and soon it got to everyone. Hours later they woke up in a room with nothing in it but eachother...

"Where the hell are we ??" Asked Oliver.

"I don't know" said Noah.

"We should try to escape" stated Rosie.

"How??" Asked Nova.

"There's no way to escape. This room will only drain the energy from you ..." Said Luke.

"Oh..." Replied Nova as she sat back down.

Back with Alice:

"Heres your food " said the person giving Alice the food.

Alice wasn't hungry and went to sleep when a guy came in wearing a black mask and a coat.

"Shh I'm here to get you out of here " said the strange person.

"This person has a rough tone of voice it's a male most probably in his early 30s " thought Alice.

"Come.." the man said.

"Why are bringing her out of the room??" Asked person (one who gave Alice food ).

"Boss asked for her" said the man.

The man and Alice left to the room where the others were being kept. The man took them and left the place going to the man's home.

"Why are you helping us?" Asked Rosie.

"You don't belong there" added he man.

"What's your name??" Asked Luke.

"You should know that ....Luke" said the man.

"W-what ?! How do you know my name??" Replied Luke

"You don't recognise your own brother??" Said the man taking off his mask. (Luke has a brother woah).

"D- Daniel?! But how ??" Asked Luke.

Noah and Rosie were talking,while Oliver kept talking to Alice and Nova.

"We're here!!" Yelled Daniel.

They walked towards the house and saw a woman walk up to Daniel.

"Baby you're back!!" Said the woman happily.

"Whose she??" Asked Luke.

"My soon to be wife!!" Smiled Daniel.

"You're engaged!!" Yelled Luke while he others were stunned.

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