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It was shadow?! The hell is going on???.

"I'll open the cell but you have to state your business.."  said Shadow.

"We just want our friends then we'll leave" replied Luke.

"Okay then..but I need to take care of the guards first" said Shadow before uhm ending the guards ...

"Aren't you on Iris's side??" Asked Oliver.

"I was...but not anymore" responded Shadow.

He then explained why he had to leave her side and came to help their side to protect them. Shadow also took them to a safe place until someone or something found them and took them to Iris. Alora and Serenity were there as well. Suddenly the eclipse strengthened Iris to grow stronger. They all were teleported to a void where they were given weapons???. Shadow appeared to help them fight Iris together.

"Shadow you're here!!" Yelled Heli as he was fighting off a shadow knight.

" .... " Shadow replied.

Hours later and they were exhausted but the shadow knights kept coming. Noah nearly fainted but kept his ground and helped the other. They were bleeding rapidly but didn't care or seem to notice. They were fighting when Shadow suddenly walked towards a knight but the knight attacked everyone except Shadow. Shadow then disappeared into the darkness. I mean that was expected he wasn't on their side he was using them...

"They still down there??" Asked Iris.

"Yes, everything's going according to your plan" replied Shadow.

"Good I have another mission for you" added Iris giving him an amulet."this should capture their power, then bring it to me " she commanded.

Shadow nodded and turned to leave but before he left the room he said"you better have ths thing we agreed on after all this is done".

All the guards were taken down. Then suddenly they all felt weak as their powers were slowly slipping away from their body. Shadow only took like apart of their power. Shadow actually wearing that amulet when he was 'helping'  the others find Artemis Serenity and Alora. But what about Artemis , Serenity and Alora?? Well Iris was always wearing the amulet (not before eclipse) Iris put the power of the eclipse into the amulet. So when she went to Artemis's room she actually took apart of Artemis's power. But also why is it only affecting them now??... Well for the spell to be completed, since it was a spell with dark magic it HAD to be in the shadow realm. Iris sent that SAME SOUL to bring Heli, Michael Noah etc to the shadow realm. She was one step ahead of them , she was always one step ahead of them. Killing the queen and Annabelle was apart of her plan to get more power , everything was apart of her plan except when she had to meet Noah. That was Rosie she wanted to help him defeat Iris once and for all so she gave him that necklace. Even though they were inside the same body they had different minds. But after what happened with Noah Iris trapped Rosie's soul in that mirror.

(Before all this happened) / Iris/ Rosie.

"W-where am I?!" Asked Rosie as she sat on the floor crying.

Suddenly she noticed a girl standing Infront of her. The girls appearance was exactly like Rosie. But Rosie then woke up in shock. She then had those types of dreams every night.

(Before everything happened) Nova/ serenity.

When Nova was younger she had a wild imagination but little did she know... She always told her parents she was a princess with powers and that Nova wasn't her real name. Of course her parents went along with it though they were shadow they grew to care about their 3 'daughters'. Soon years went by she had given up on that imagination of hers. But that only came back to her as clues to find out the truth started to reveal themselves. And when she was 15 she found out but kept it to herself for a whole 3 more years till they found the staff.

(Before everything happened) Alice/Alora.

One day Alice was having lunch with her family when she saw Rosie's reflection in the mirror which was hanging on the wall. She would see more often but not just in the mirror but also on windows or anything which gave off a reflection. When Alice was getting ready for school she saw Rosie's reflection in the mirror but the thing that scared her was that when she turned away Rosie was no where in sight. But the reflection was still there, staring at her weirdly. This scared Alice and she left the room and went to school.

(Just so you can get to know that characters more).

Artemis's back story.

"Princess put that down you might get hurt!!!" Yelled the maid.

"I'm fine" replied Artemis holding a sword.

A group of guards came to see if she was okay which she was. But after that she wasn't allowed outside. But she brother would go to her room and teach her how to use a sword. Her parents passed away during a war before their kingdom and another when Artemis was 10.

When Artemis was about 15 war broke out and many died. Her brother told her to get to safety but she didn't listen and went after him fearing he might die too. "I can't lose him too" she said to herself. But she was too late the moment she saw his dead body on the ground in a pool of blood , she broke down in tears. She held her brothers sword and killed the shadow which took her brother from her. Then Iris came and ordered her to be in her army but when's he tried to refuse Iris threaten to kill everyone in her kingdom. So Artemis didn't have a choice. She became Iris's commander until she was betrayed....(Present).

Back to the story:

There stood a girl with short pink hair and brown eyes but in one of her eyes was Rosie holding a sword. Though shadow didn't see Rosie he was shocked to see the girl.

"I thought taking over an entire kingdom was enough for you!!!!..I couldn't have been more wrong." Yelled the girl.

"What are you doing here Emily??" Asked Shadow.

"To help them of course..." Replied the girl.

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