me, u & hennessy: 4

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

Opening the living room door I walked inside and seen Layla knocked the fuck out, placing my food on the coffee table I took the blanket off her body then leaned down to pick her up.

She began to whine as I fixed her in my arms "Layla it's okay go back to sleep" I smoothed her hair down and brought her out the living room as I did so I seen Kay walking down the stairs already knowing he's about to follow me into Layla's room.

I didn't turn on the light as I know it'll wake her up so I just used the light from the hallway that was brightening up her room a bit to see where I was going.

Successfully getting over all the obstacles in her room I placed her down in her bed and pulled the duvet up.

I pushed Kay out the way and closed the door behind me, he wasn't gonna let the push slide so he ended up grabbing me by my neck "who you pushing?"

"Get off me" I tried to loosen the grip he had on my poor neck "my food getting cold" since he been here I've hardly eaten anything since he just wanna keep distracting me from the task at hand.

"Why everybody in ya family pussy? It run in your genes?" Fuck everybody else but I know he didn't just me a pussy?

And just like that this nigga was off me, in one smooth move my hand cocked back and gave him one of them painful ass neck, just like how he did Camrin.

I obviously weren't no dummy so I ran off, full speed and everything I had no business standing there thinking he weren't gon do none.

But if somebody wakes up I already know we both done for cause we got no reason making this much noise when people tryna sleep.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get too far cause this nigga grabbed me by hair cause it was so abrupt I coulda sworn I heard the lace tear "ya ass not going no where".

"You want another slap to your neck or what?" I sounded out of breath with my lips dry as shit I just couldn't help myself but to laugh at him.

I know that smack hurt it still has my fingers tingling a lil bit.

"I know I'm laughing and all but I'm sorry" he didn't even need to say anything, his face told me everything I needed to know especially since I'm just a girl he can't do what he's thinking.

And if he do, the police one phone call away..

"Leilani? I heard banging you okay?" Des asked from her bedroom.

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