me, u & hennessy: 10

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

come outside

Getting off my bed I unplugged my phone and put on my crocs before I left my room I picked up my lighter and freshly rolled blunt from my bedside table.

I took my time in walking down the stairs then took even longer to walk to his car even though it was lowkey cold as shit outside I didn't let that stop me from taking my time.

I put my blunt behind my ear knowing that I'll forget it it's in my hand and will lose or squash it

Another thing that I noticed is that he never says anything until I give him a hug or a kiss so he just be staring me down until I do.

I took off my crocs and got up to sit comfortably on his lap so I could give a lil peck; none too crazy.

"Stop playing" he pulled me towards him to connect our lips I knew he wasn't gonna get the peck slide but at least I did something, he kept his cold hands on my waist but as the kiss went on he lowered them.

And that right there was my cue to pull away "we can go inside?"

"Yea" he mumbled I picked up my crocs then opened up the door I placed the shoes on the concrete then turned my body so I could put my feet inside the crocs without making my white socks touch the ground.

I carefully slid my feet into my crocs then waited for Kay to get out the car he put his spliff between his lips then got out as he stretched out his limbs I decided to give him a hug cause Ion think he understands how much I miss being around him.

Like I just love being in his presence.

He claims I never miss him cause I want us to have space  and I don't see anything wrong in that, as we're always around each other I for real feel like it would result in us being irritated with each other.

I absolutely love that we don't be arguing but that don't take away the fact that it is normal for people to get irritated or simply frustrated when you're around for someone for too long.

I don't know if that it is just a Leilani thing but for the sake of our relationship I don't want us to break up from the simple fact that we keep getting irritated every time we breathe around each other.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine "I missed you" I muttered.

"I ain't miss you though".

"You forgetting I saw your story?"

On IG he had posted 'someone tell my girlfriend I miss ha lil ass' on a picture of us, after I told him I was gonna be busy doing people hair and didn't have any free time to talk to him.

𝐦𝐞, 𝐮 & 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now