me, u & hennessy: 5

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

I heard a voice screech in the middle of taking my nap, my sleepy ass couldn't make out the words all I was thinking was that the talking was happening in my dreams until I heard it again but much more louder and clearer.

Immediately telling my body that was in fact not in my dream.

"Girl get up!" She jumped on top of my body and moved the duvet out my face.

The damn jump left me winded so I couldn't even speak until I pushed her somewhat off me to get some damn air into my lungs "girl no we not cool" I grumbled.

"What I do?"

"What didn't you do?" I sat up in the bed and pulled the duvet back up since the room was mad cold for no reason "you can turn off the AC? But happened to your phone?"

"About my phone I actually lost it so I'm sorry I ain't get back to you soon enough" she frowned.

"It's fine" I shrugged I can't say she should've came over cause I wasn't here when this all happened "you get a new one though?"

"I did I'm so mad cause I ain't got my old sim card" she held up her brand new iPhone 12 Pro, no case no nothing.

"New number and everything right?" Ugh I would hate if that was me at that point don't even bother getting me a new phone.

Anyone ask for my number or some Imma act like I'm one of those people who just hate technology so I don't be buying shit.

"Yea but I ain't giving on my old one" speaking of phones I began to feel my phone vibrate somewhere under my pillow reaching for it, I pulled out it so I could see the caller ID.

"Hold on Shania" I gave myself a couple seconds to fix myself up before I answered can't be looking a mess in front of my baby daddy even though he be seeing me look like a monster first thing in the morning.

Luckily it's not by choice.

"Hey babyy".

"Wassup you alone?" I ain't even need to answer cause Shania began to giggle in the background "oh ya annoying ass friend there".

"Annoying?" She mugged.

"Anyways what did you call me for?"

"I was ready to come pull ya ass out that bed cause I know I told you bout my shoot?"

His shoot? We don't be texting so anything he be telling me I just be forgetting cause it's not in my phone but this happens to be the only time he texted and I forgot.

𝐦𝐞, 𝐮 & 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now