me, u & hennessy: 21

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

Waking up to screaming coming from downstairs I lifted up my head and seen Kay still asleep and was I surprised? Hell nah that boy can sleep through anything I lowkey wish I was like that so I don't have to deal with waking up earlier than usual.

I took the covers off my body then made my way towards the bathroom to freshen myself up as I left the room I could hear giggles and yelling coming from my little cousins and I bet it ain't no later than 10AM.

I stared at my puffy eyes and lips I let the water get extremely cold before I splashed the water on my face to get rid of the puffiness and make myself look more awake.

After freshening up instead of going back to my room I went downstairs to get some to eat knowing that my mother is cooking up a whole buffet in the kitchen with them mouths that she has to feed.

I walked into the kitchen and said my good mornings but I don't see nobody cooking nothing "no breakfast?"

"No they had cereal" smacking my lips I took out the waffle maker and the waffle mix I don't really like using it cause I still gotta add sugar and a little bit more of the vanilla extract to get it to how I like.

But I'm too lazy to make it from scratch especially since I just woke up my brain ain't gonna be able to function "why you not eating the cereal?"

"Because I don't want it" I mixed the ingredients together once it got to a smooth consistency I plugged in the waffle maker and let it heat up.

"How much you bout to make?"

"Enough for me and Kevin" I shrugged she better not tell me if I'm cooking for one I'm cooking for all cause she better know that I am not doing it.

"You love him?"

"I do" I nodded I swear my body explodes with love every time I think, look or talk about him, I didn't think it was possible for me to fall in love with someone in such a short time, with Devante he had to do a lot cause I wasn't attracted to him at first.

Not because of his looks but because of his personality, looks do matter but I physically cannot stand someone if their personality is trash so it did take a lot for me to fall in love with him and once I did.. I was trapped.

Anything that he did to hurt me I couldn't see the problem in it I was so blinded by the fact that he truly was a horrible person. I didn't leave cause we still did have our fun moments that made me happy.

But none of that matters anymore.

"How did you meet him?"

"His friend introduced us, to be honest I wasn't expecting us to get together cause he wasn't speaking to me at first" anytime I tell the story of how we met I always gotta add how he wasn't speaking to me.

𝐦𝐞, 𝐮 & 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now