me, u & hennessy: 14

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

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leilani bree preston • 18 • aspiring artist

The official plan for the day was to chill by the beach, drink cocktails and take sexy ass pictures for IG, before and at dinner we decided that we're gonna plan our days out for the rest of the week.

Since Setty and Shania wanna be Dora Explora and do everything they can think of.

Shania and I decided that we're gonna go to the water rafting on Saturday which is the night before we leave that way we can spend that day together without any problems from Setty or Kay if he decides to book his flight.

It is looking a like a fun lil vacation so I don't mind being a lil adventurous alongside them but for today Imma chill and probably take a nap before my day actually starts.

As me and Shania decided to explore the whole hotel yesterday we probably didn't get back to our hotel until 3/4AM if that, we did make a couple stops at the bar for some cocktails which had added onto the extra time wasted.

Once I got back to my room I had to shower, wash my face, brush my teeth before I could think about getting in the bed, the bed was comfortable to a certain extent as the sheets were clean and cold but the mattress was the only issue.

That bitch was lowkey hard as fuck so I don't like soft ass mattresses cause they not good for your back as there isn't any support but these mattresses some else.

Hopefully I can get used to it cause I ain't got no other option.

But not only did all that happen but I had to wake up at 8AM to get food before they stopped serving breakfast and you can't eat again til noon, I didn't need to wake up so early but Shania came banging on my door.

Talking about breakfast close at 9AM, it don't close til 10:30AM so now I was suffering from a headache from my lack of sleep and the weather wasn't helping.

"How you still ain't full?" I sipped on my cold apple juice as I watched Shania come back with another plate full of food, I was finished after my first plate and tried to go back for second but ended up with fruits.

"Girl we at a buffet you must be crazy if you think I'm stopping" she picked up her knife and fork ready to tuck into her pancakes, they do look kinda good though.

Sighing I got up off the chair to go get myself something else to eat just in case my ass start complaining about being hungry as well as making sure I got enough food in my system before I start going crazy with the liquor.

I went to go pick up a new plate then glanced around to find where they had all the pancakes at but it seem like they were still making them so I stood in line and impatiently waited for the chef to hurry up and put the pancakes on my plate.

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