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In the busy hallways of the campus, the esteemed student council president, stood tall with a sense of purpose. The weight of a new responsibility rested on his capable shoulders.

The principal had entrusted him with a vital task-to organize a grand event celebrating the teachers at the school on their special day. With great determination, Jungkook gathered all the students in the courtyard, their eyes fixed attentively on him. His voice, firm and persuasive, resonated through the air as he addressed the eager crowd.

"Attention fellow students, it is an honor to stand before you today to announce a momentous occasion. In just two weeks, we shall commemorate the incredible teachers who have guided us on our educational journey."

As the words left his lips, anticipation filled the atmosphere, each student eagerly awaiting the details of the forthcoming event.

"To express our heartfelt gratitude, we shall engage in various activities. Each classroom will showcase their creativity through vibrant booths, representing their unique personalities and interests." The students exchanged excited glances, eagerly imagining the classrooms transformed into miniature wonders for all to explore.

Jungkook's infectious passion continued to fuel their anticipation. "But that's not all, we shall also showcase the limitless talents that reside within our student body. A talent search shall take place, where each and every one of you is invited to participate. Sing, dance, recite poetry, or showcase any skill that will captivate the audience."

Upon hearing this, whispers of excitement rippled through the crowd. The event promised to be a gathering of extraordinary talent, showcasing the diversity and creativity that flourished within the school.

"To further express our appreciation, we shall present our esteemed teachers with heartfelt gifts. Let us show them the impact they have made on our lives and the immense gratitude we hold within our hearts."

Jungkook's genuine sincerity touched the hearts of the students. They felt inspired, eager to curate tokens of gratitude that would leave a lasting impression on their beloved educators. The students chattered animatedly amongst themselves, excitedly exchanging ideas for their respective classrooms and talent performances.

Jungkook observed the collective energy and can't help but feel proud, reassured that this event would be a beautiful tribute to the teachers who had shaped their lives.


Walking side by side together in uncomfortable silence through the path out of the campus as the class finally ended. Taehyung noticed that Jimin has been awfully quiet since earlier even in the classroom. The air around them feels heavy, burdened by an unspoken sorrow.

"Are you interested, Jiminie?" Taehyung poked Jimin's cheek while the latter is spacing out, deep in his thoughts as he tries to break the quiet atmosphere.

"H-huh? In w-what?" Jimin asked snapped out of his thoughts, totally lost.

"Aish! You're clearly not listening earlier, are you? In two weeks, we will be having an event for Teacher's Day. There's also talent search that will happen, students are invited." Taehyung explained smacking Jimin's head.

Suddenly, Jimin raised his head looking at Taehyung, eyes already glistening with tears. His best friend was taken aback by the sight.

He gently places a hand on Jimin's shoulder, asking him what's wrong, voice filled with worry as he cages Jimin's face between his hands, wiping the tears that cascading down the smaller's cheeks. Taehyung's heart aches at the sight.

"Did I smack you that hard? I'm sorry, Minnie." The taller apologized thinking that it was his fault, but Jimin immediately shake his head.

As the words tumble hesitantly from Jimin's trembling lips, Taehyung absorbs each syllable, an invisible thread of empathy connecting their souls.

A cruel twist of fate has woven tragedy into the fabric of Jimin's life, crushing his hopes and shattering his tender heart. In the depths of his despair, Jimin revealed with heavy heart, having a hard time to deliver the words.

"H-he... J-j-jungkook..h-he's getting m-married w-with M-minj-ji."

Tears continue to flow on his face, nose are now red while sniffling. Looking at Taehyung's eyes, clearly broken. "H-he's getting married, Tae..." he repeated in a weak almost inaudible tone.

*FLASHBACK Earlier at the garden*

"You!" Minji's voice was sharp, cutting through the air like a gust of wind. "What do you think you're doing, meddling in Jungkook's affairs?"

Jimin's heart raced as he searched for words, his voice barely above a whisper, "I-I was just trying to be kind and I thought he would appreciate-"

Minji's laughter, cold and scornful, echoed through the garden. "Kindness? Ha! Don't make me laugh. You're only doing this to get his attention, to steal him away from me!" Her manicured nails dug into her palms as her anger grew.

A gush of bravery washed over Jimin. He finally stands up from the ground where Minji had pushed him as he stands confidently in front of her.

"Why are you so angry huh? You're acting like his girlfriend as if you and Jungkook have a thing together?" He spat the words with venom.

Minji scoffed dismissively, her pride swelling. "You think there's none? Hah! You're making me laugh, Park Jimin."

"I want this to be a surprise, but since you're being desperate.... Why not tell you right?" Now smirking at Jimin crossed arms, seemingly confidently.

She slowly brought her face to Jimin's side, whispering in his ear, "Me and Jungkook are already engaged."

Backing up, to face Jimin's, smirking at the other's reaction. Laughing smugly, as she finally leaves the astounded figure of the boy, rooted in his spot.


The news strikes Jimin's fragile spirit like a merciless thunderbolt, leaving him broken and lost in a vast sea of regrets and unrequited love. Without a second thought, Taehyung brought Jimin into his arms, caging Jimin's vulnerable form.

Tucking his head on the curve of his shoulder, letting his best friend vent out his broken heart while softly brushing his hands on the smaller's back.

He doesn't care if his t-shirt is now wet from Jimin's tears and snots, he listens intently as Jimin's emotions pour out, mingling with the sighs of the wind, muffled heart wrenching sobs rocking through his body followed by sniffles. 

A/N: How was it so far??? Double update.
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