What Now

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Y/n Pov:

As soon as we walk through the Door Fiona walks up to me and slaps me straight across the face it hurt so much that I started crying and because I was crying Mark pushes me to the floor and drags me across the floor to the Living Room. 

Fiona: Where have you been you useless Child! 

After saying that she kicks me in the Stomach making me grown.

Mark: I found this little brat in the City chatting her life away with some other Strangers.

Fiona: WHAT!! You better not have told them anything about us!

Y/n: I didn't. If anyone gave something away it was your stupid Boyfriend Mark here.

I whispered the last part but sadly both of them heard it and before I could react Mark liftet me up by my throat and punched me in the Face twice.

Mark: How dare you calling me stupid. We took you in and give you Food and that is how you thank us you stupid Bitch

And witch that another punch to the face to that point I am struggling to breath with his hand around my throat. Finally he let's go of me and I fall to the floor just t get another kick to my side this time from Fiona.

Fiona: Go to your Room and don't you dare come down until we allow you to!

I try making my way upstairs but I start crying again because of the Pain witch makes it hard to see so right now I'm basically crawling up the Stairs.

Mark: GO! Man can you not do anything you are told. You are even more useless then I thought!

His voice and scream scare the shit out of me so I ignore the Pain and run up the Stairs into my Room and lay down on the small mattress in the corner crying, I don't know for how long but I just cry. I don't remember anything after that so I think I fell asleep. When I wake up I change into a T-Shirt because my other one was wet from tears and look outside just to realize that it's already dark and that I was supposed to text Lucy. I get my crappy old Phone out and open Lucy's Chat.

As I was about to text Lucy I hear someone coming up the Stairs and I am begging that this Person doesn't want anything from me.

Mark: Ouh Y/NNN are you still in your Room like we told you to or do we have to punish you again?

I freeze and don't know what to do. The only thing I can think of is " I don't want to do this anymore". I feel the tears come to my eyes as I finally realize it's now or never so I run to the Door and lock it but I know that this won't stop him so I run to the window and open it but then I hear Mark trying to open the Door.


At this Moment I take everything in me, turn around and Jump out the Window. I fail my landing and fall straight on my arm witch hurts like hell but I know I have to run so I do as fast as I can not looking back. While running I start crying but I ignore it and just keep running as fast as I can. When I stop I have no Idea how long I ran for and no Idea where the hell I am. It looks like    I'm in some kind of Park. I sit down on a Bench and realize that I am starting to freeze because of how cold it is and the only thing that comes to my Mind is "WHAT NOW". I lay down because of how tired I am and then do the only thing I can thing of. I dial the Number and hope that they answer.

???: Hello Y/N is that you?


The Picture Above is supposed to be the Park that she is at just Pretend that in the Park is Snow.

So I was able to post another one today and I actually realy like this one. I will post the next one Tomorrow as soon as I can but I don't know if Tomorrow there will be one or Two I will have to see how much Homework I have. Anyways I hope you like it up to now and keep reading the storie because I will try to post at least one part every day.

I have the Feeling Y/N is acting a little old for her age so I might change the age.

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