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Y/N Pov:

Today is the Day were my Moms throw a BBQ with the whole Team. Mamma and Mom are setting everything up and I sometimes help but most of the time I'm playing with my Football. The Weather is beautiful and just perfect to play some fotty as my Mom Auntie Beth would say.

Mommy: Y/n come here and help me for a second please and then the others will be here in a few minutes!!

Y/n: Ok Mommy!!

I run inside over to her and she hands me a bowl with salad inside.

Mommy: Can you bring that out on the table for me?

Y/n: Will do Mommy where is Mamma?

Lucy: You ran past her just a second ago you cheeky child she's outside.

Y/n: Oh Ok Mommy.

I bring the Salat outside on the table and see my Mamma sitting on one of our outside couches on her Phone so I go over to her and tap her leg. She looks up at me and puts her Phone down before opening her arm for me to klimb in which I do.

Mamma: Hello my Love are you helping your Mommy setting the table.

Y/n: Yeah I am but we're done now so we just have to wait for the others to arrive. Can we stay here and cuddle till they are here.

Mamma: You know I can't say no to cuddles.

She leans back and turns me so I'm sitting sideways on her lap with my Head on her Chest. I snuggle into her more and she starts strocking her fingers over my arm and her other does the same to the back of my Head. As the minutes went by with her doing that it was getting harder for me to keep my eyes open until I couldn't keep them open anymore.

Lucy Pov:

The Doorbell rings so I open the Door and most of the Girls are standing infront of it.

Lucy: Hey Girls how are you?

Lessi: We're good thanks how about you guys?

Lucy: We're good too thanks. Come on Guys Keira and Y/n are already outside and Y/n can't wait to see you.

We all go outside but when we get there we see Keira on the Lounge with Y/n asleep on her.

Katie: I see she just couldn't wait to see us right.

we all laugh at that and then all sit down.

Keira: Sorry Guys I couldn't say no to cuddles and she just fell asleep.

Katie: It's fine Keira I was just joking.

we all talk for a while and Keira keeps our Daughter on her lab while suthing her with her finger strocking. With time all the other Girls arrive and sit down with us until we decide to start the BBQ.

Keira: Guys can one of you take the little one I realy have to use the Toilette.

Jen: I'll take her!!!

Jen goes over to Keira and carefully picks Y/n up before setteling her down in her Lap and strocking her head. I turn my attention back on the BBQ.

Y/n Pov:

I feel myself get liftet up but then get set back down on someones lap. I start to turn but then I feel a hand strocking my hair so I slowly open my eyes and see that it's Auntie Jen holding me.

Y/n: Auntie Jen?

Jen: Hello little one had a good nap?

Y/n: Yeah

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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