Chased by Bullies

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Y/N Pov:

School is over and as every other day I have to walk home. I have been walking for less than two minutes and I'm already freezing because it's winter and I don't have a proper Winter Jacket or any Hoodies witch means right now I'm only wearing a thin Sweatshirt and a light Jacket . Right now I'm on my way home when I feel something hit the Back of my Head. I turn around and see Jackson, Lucas, Simon and Oliver the three Boys who have not stopped bullying me since I've started at this school. These Boys are 14 years old and seem to enjoy bullying younger Kids.

As soon as I see them I turn around and run for my life while they chase me and throw snowballs at me.

Lucas: You can run from us but we will get you anyways you stupid Orphan.

I keep running until I feel like I can't breath but I have to keep going because I still hear them behind me and I don't want to know what will happen if they get me. I feel the Tears streaming down my Face as I reach the City. Out of nowhere my legs give out and I fall to the floor. I try to stand up but am shoved right back down so I turn around and kick Jackson between his legs.

Jackson: You Bitch you're gonna wish you never did that.

Bevor I can react I see several fists going my way and they start beating me while I'm on the floor crying because I'm scared and it hurts.

Lucy Pov:

Today I'm in the City with Beth, Viv, Katie and Alessia while Keira is out visiting her Parents. We were just down the Road in a Cafe that had just opened and were now walking down the Road just talking to eachother.

Alessia: That Cafe was probaply the best one I've ever been to.

Beth: yeah you are totaly right that coffee was the best wasn't it Vivi?

Viv: Yeah it was really good.

Katie: It was good but I still think Irish coffee is better. 

That gets her a smack to the head from me. Katie glares at me while the others laught. Out of nowhere Alessia stops walking the we turn to her.

Viv: What's wrong?

Alessia: Do you guys hear that?

Beth: Yeah, sounds like its coming from over there.

Lucy: Let's go check it out.

We walk around the corner and see four Boys hovering over a small crying Girl while beating her up.

Katie: Hey Leave her alone!

Katie and I chase them down the road while the others check on the Girl. We go back to them and the Girl is still curled up in a Ball on the Ground. Beth took of her Jacket and put it over the small figure while less was trying to talk to her. She wasn't answering and still shivering and crying so I went to her and just scooped into my arms. What then happend shocked me and the others completely.


Just Pretend that in this Storie Lucy and Keira still play for Arsenal                                                         The next part will come tomorrow and if I see that people are actually reading this storie I will try to upload more than one part a day. If you have any ideas let me know and I will try to bring them in.

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