Shock and disbelieve

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Lucy Pov:

I take the smal Girl into my arms and she trys to push me away so I hold her a little tighter. I hear her starting to breath faster so I look at my Teammates looking for help because I don't know what to do.

Little Girl: P... P... Please d... don't hurt me I... I'll  do anything.

I am stunned by what she just said and look at the other Girls not knowing what to do until Viv takes a step forward and kneels down to the fragile little girl in my arms.

Viv: Hey little one I think you're having a panic attack can you try to breath for me?

Little Girl: W.. What

The Girl lifts her head to look at Viv and Viv takes both of the girls hands in hers. The Girl Flinshes away but Viv keeps a hold of her hands.

Viv: Hey it's ok I won't hurt you. The Panic Attack is quiet scary isn't it?

The Girl in my arms just nods still trying to breath normally.

Viv: That's ok I will help you get through it alright? Let's start by taking a deep breath together and then we will go from there ok.

So Viv starts taking deep breaths with the little girl while I just sit there with her in my arms also trying to calm her down by gently rubbing over her arms and back. About 15 minutes later her breath is back to normal and out of nowhere she gets up and gives Viv a massive hug.

Little Girl: T... Th... Thank y... you

She says to Viv and me. Now Beth takes a step forward and bends down to the little Girl.

Beth: Hey sweetie I'm Beth and these People are Viv, Lucy, Katie and Alessia what's your Name?

Little Girl: I know who you guys are

She says slightly giggling 

Little Girl: And my Name is Y/N 

Katie: Oh so you're a little fan or something?

Lucy: That's a beautiful Name Sweetie.

Y/N: I am a fan yeah I love watching you guys play.

Alessia: Well isn't that just sweet of you?

Y/N: Wait what time is it?

Viv: It's 2pm Sweetie

Immediately the Fear is back in her eyes and she jumps out of my arms

Lucy: What's wrong little one?

Y/N: I... I have to get h... home I should have been there half an hour ago.

Y/N takes her Back and begins walking away very fast.

Lucy: Hey Y/N do you have a Phone?

Y/N: Yes why? 

Lucy: can I have that for a second?

She gives me her Phone and I type in my Number and give it back to her.

Lucy: I typed in my Number, text me when you get home to let me know you got there safely. Text me anytime you need or when something is wrong.

Y/N: Thanks Lucy I will.

Before Y/N gets the chance to turn around a man comes from behind her gripping her arm and dragging her with him.

Man: Where have you been you stupid Child?

Y/N: I'm sorry sir I got distracted.

Before I can say anything Katie is by her side taking Y/N behind her.

Katie: Who the fuck are you to treat her like that or talk to her like that?

Man: Mind your own buisness and give me my Daughter.

He is the Father? What kind of Father treats her Daughter like that?

Y/N steps up to her so called Father and turns to Katie

Y/N: Its Ok Katie 

Katie takes the kids face in between her hands and starts wispering to her

Y/N Pov:

Katie: Kid this is not ok at all.

I take Beth's Jacket off of me and give it to Katie with tears in my eyes. At this point I can feel my heart going crazy in my chest because I know what will happen at home.

Y/N: Here I forgot about this, give it back to Beth please and say thank you from me. I have to go now my Foster Dad Mark is waiting.

Katie: Y/N I am serious when I say take the offer from Lucy and call her when something is wrong.

Y/N: I will Bye Katie

With that Mark grabs me and drags me down the street Now with tears in my eyes I look back and see all the girls still starring at me and give them a little wave.

Beth Pov:

I can't believe what just happened I start crying and turn to run into Viv's arms who also has tears in her eyes. Katie comes up behind me and tapped my shoulder to give me my Jacket.

Viv: What did she say?

Katie: she told me to give this to Beth and say Thank you for her. She also said that she will text as soon as she can and that she has to go with her Foster Dad.

Lucy: So this wasn't actually her Dad?

Katie: Seems like it all I know is that he has no right to treat her like that.

Lucy: I know. How about we all go back to mine and wait for her text to see if she is alright?

Beth: That seems like a good Idea I'm in.

Viv: me too I want know if she is alright.

Alessia: Same let's go.

So Then we make our way to Lucy's House hoping that the little girl is ok.


Hey Guys let me know if you think Y/n acts a bit to mature for a 10 year old girl. I hope you enjoy the storie up until now and I would realy like some ideas. I will also try to get one more part up later on but I can't promis anything because im not home for the next two hours and also have to finish Homework and then write the next part.

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