Welcome Home

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Y/N Pov:

Relieved I walk out of the Hospital holding Keira's and Lucy's hands. I don't think I've ever been so happy with going to a new home with new Parents. All the Girls and me walk to the Car and Start our drive to Lucy and Keira's little house. The drive back was very funny and we all laughed and chatted althoug it was like 2 am. When we get to their house we say bye to all the girls and my new Parents lead me inside as I'm way to tired to walk by myself.

Keira: Welcome Home Sweetie

Y/n: Thanks. So, what am I supposed to call you now?

Lucy: You call us what ever you want we're not rushing you into calling us Mom.

Y/n: Ok so I will just call You Mom and Mamma so Lucy will be Mom and Keira will be Mamma Ok?

After I ask that I let out a big yawn and I swear I could fall asleep right this second as I feel my eyes are about to close. I hear Lucy and Keira laugh so I look up at them only to be picked up from Lucy.

Lucy: We would love for you to call us that sweetie now how about we take you to bed and tomorrow we will go Shopping to make the Guestroom your Room.

Y/n: I would love that Mommy

I was so tired that I fell asleep in Lucy's arms and only felt her put me down in a bed. 

Lucy: Do you want to get some PJ's from me might be more comfortable?

I open my eyes and weakly nod then Keira and Lucy help me change and tug me into bed. They kiss my head and are about to walk out when I mumble.

Y/n: Thank you Mommy and Mamma

Keira: Good Night my Love, sleep well  

Y/n: I love you 

Lucy: We love you too.

With that I fell asleep feeling the happiest I ever have.  

Keira Pov:

Lucy and I go to bed and just lay in there for a while until I speak up.

Keira: I can't believe we're Parents now.

Lucy: I know right I love her so much already.

Keira: I love her too. Right let's go to sleep.

I give her a Kiss and both of us close our Eyes to go to sleep.


The next Morning I wake up first and decide to go make Breakfast as it's already 11am. I go Downstairs and start making Pancakes and set the Table when I feel two arms go around my waist and a pair of lips being placed on my cheeks.

Lucy: Good Morning my Love

Keira: Good Morning. I made Breakfast do you want to go wake our little one.

Lucy: Damn it feels good to hear you say that and Yes I would love to go wake our little one.

With that Lucy sprints Upstairs and I plate all the Pancakes on one big plate.

Lucy Pov: 

I walk upstairs to the Guestroom and carefully open the Door to reveal the little Girl sleeping in a little ball and lightly giving away the cutest snores I have ever heard. I walk over to the bed and crouch down next to it so I'm on her hight. I put my hand on her cheek and caress it with my thumb.

Lucy: Good Morning sweetie you have to get up so we can have some Breakfast.

My Daughter starts stiring and then there is that beautiful smile that I haven't seen so often. She opens her arms.

Y/N: Carry me Mommy?

I love how she's been calling me Mommy the last couple of times. I pick her up and Put her on my hip so we can walk down the Stairs. Y/n puts her head on my shoulder and snuggles into me more. When I get down and to the Kitchen I kiss her head and set her down on her Chair. 

Keira: Good Morning my little one.

Y/N: Good Morning Mamma 

I smile at how cute she is and put some Pancakes on her plate so we can start eating. Y/n, Keira and I start eating and when we finish Keira and I put away the plates.

Y/N: Mamma? 

Keira: Yes sweetie

Y/N: We're going shopping today aren't we?

Keira: Yeah we will go get some things you like for your Room.

Y/N: Before we go can we maybe snuggle a little?

Before she can answer I run pick her up and sprint to the couch where I put her down.

Lucy: We will watch a Movie and cuddle before we go ok? But we realy have to go when the Movie is over.

Keira: You know you don't get to steal our Daughter right?

Lucy: Come on love, get the remote and come cuddle:

So that's what we did we watched a movie and Cuddled. At some point Y/n fell back asleep but we let her because of the stressfull night we had. After the Movie we woke her up and asked her to get ready. She was a little grumpy but got up anyways.

Lucy: Come on sweetie we have to go.

Y/N: Coming Mommy

We got in the Car and started our Journey to the Shopping-Center.


There was no part Yesterday because I wasn't Home but there is one Tonight soryy about that hope you like it anyway.     



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