Sick and England Call up

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Keira Pov: 

We've been in the Car for about 10 min and Y/n has started to calm down now just sobbing a little with Trotti in her arms. I'm sitting in the back with her while Lucy is driving. Y/n starts to whimper so I turn to her to see her go pale again. I quickly grab the paperbag from our Breakfast earlier and hold it under her Mouth but I'm a little late and don't get everything in the back. when she's done I look at her and she starts crying again and reaching for me.

Keira: Lucy do you think I can take her on my lap?

Lucy: I don't know what if we get pulled over?

Keira: We won't just drive like you should.

Lucy: I am but its also not save with her on your lap while I'm driving.

Keira: Babe she's reaching for me and won't stop crying what else am I supposed to do?

Lucy: Ok take her on your lap and calm her down I will drive carefully.

Keira: Ok Thanks Babe. Right come to Mamma Sweetie.

I reach over, unbuckle her and take her on my Lap where she Immediately snuggles up to me and calms down.

Keira: Good Girl calm down for me.

Y/n falls asleep on me wich I'm glad about because she really needs the sleep. I notice that she threw up on her cast wich means we have to get a new one so I turn to Lucy and we have silent conversation.

Keira: Lucy she threw up on her cast.

Lucy: What? What are we gonna do now.

Keira: Well now we have to drive to the Hospital to get her a new Cast done and while we're there they might be able to check her out just to be sure it's nothing serious.

Lucy: Ok I will drive there then. How is she doing?

Keira: Well she is still very warm but asleep for now so I guess that's good.

When we get to the Hospital Lucy opens the Door for me and I carry Y/n inside. Lucy goes t talk to one of the Nurses while me and Y/n (still asleep) wait in the waiting Room. Half an Hour later Y/n wakes up just as the Doctor comes around the Corner.

Y/n: Mommy where are we?

Lucy: We're at the Hospital Sweetie because you threw up on your Cast so we're getting you a new one.

Y/n: Ok

Doctor: Are you Family Bronze-Walsh?

Keira: Yes that's us

Doctor: Ok then Follow me.

Lucy and I follow the Doctor while Lucy is carrying Y/n because me arms got tired. We end up in a Room with a bed at the end of it.

Doctor: Ok put the little one on the bed over there.

Lucy walks to the bed to put her down but she grips onto Lucy tighter.

Lucy Pov: 

Lucy: Sweetie you have to let go so the Doctor can help you.

Y/n: No Mommy don't leave me

Doctor: You can sit down with her. We're gonna start with the new Cast and then an other Doctor will take a look at her for you.

Lucy: Ok Thanks, Come on my Angel you can sit on my lap

I sit down on the Bed with Y/n on my lap where she puts her Head into my Neck. The Doctor sits on a Chair next to us.

Doctor: Ok Sweetie my name is Doctor Shephert what's your name?

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