Training and Trouble

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Y/n Pov: 

I'm still in bed hiding my face in the Pillow so I don't have to get up while my Moms are getting ready for Breakfast. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and then the blanket gets pulled down lightly so my face is above it.

Beth: Good Morning Sweetie.

Y/n: Aunty Bethy? Good Morning

Beth:  I thought we should call Vivi now because she isn't free later on what do you think?

Y/n: Yes Please!

Beth: Ok lets do it, but you have to get dressed first.

Y/n: Ok I'll be quick!!

I call while running to get Clothes. I run into my Mom and she gives me Clothes I thank her and run back to my bed. While trying to put my Clothes on as fast as possible I get stuck in my Shirt and wriggle around trying to get out.

Lucy: Sweetie what are you doing?

Y/n: Mommy help I'm stuck!

I hear Beth and my Moms Laugh as I still try to get out of my Shirt.

Y/n: Not Funny help me!

Lucy: Ok Ok calm down I will help you.

My mom helps me out of my Shirt and then puts it on me but when I turn around I see that Mamma was filming me and is still Laughing.

Y/n: What are you still Laughing at?

Keira: Your hair Sweetie.

Beth: Come on Sweetie I will do your Hair while we call Vivi.

I get my Hairbrush while Beth starts ringing Aunty Viv.

Viv: Hey my love what's up?

Beth: Good Morning Viv here is a little someone who wanted to call you because apparently she is missing you.

Y/n: Good Morning Aunty Vivi!

Viv: Good Morning little one you missing me?

Y/n: Yes I miss you, your fun to play with.

Viv: Awww I miss you too Sweetie. When we get back from Camp you can come and spend a day with me and Bethy.

Lucy: You can do that but Keira and I are also hosting a Barbeque at our House when we get back so you will see echother then anyway.

Y/n: Really Mommy can I go to Aunty Vivi and Bethy's house when we're back.

Lucy: Of course my little Angel.

Keira: I hate to brake this up but we have to go to Breakfast.

Y/n: No not now I'm talking to Aunty Vivi!

Vivi: Actually I have to go now too but I will call some time soon ok little one?

Y/n: Ok Vivi bye miss you!

Viv: Miss you all Guys bye!

We hang up and make our way to Breakfast. when we get there I can see Esme so I run over to her and hug her Good Morning.

Esme: Well Good Morning Sweetie had a Good Sleep?

Y/n: The best Sleep ever. Can I eat Breakfast with you Esme?

Esme: That I dont know your gonna have to go ask your Moms.

Y/n: Be right back.

I run over to my Moms while shouting for them.

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