Let's Go

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Lucy Pov:

Me and the Girls walk as fast as we can into the Hospital while I'm still holding the unconscious little Angel in my arms. Beth holds the Door open for me and when I get inside I immediately scream for help. Two Nurses and a Doctor come running over and tell me to place her on a bed. When I place her down the Doctor and one of the Nurses role her away. I try following them but the Nurse and Keira hold me back.

Nurse: I'm gonna need you to tell me what happend so we can help her.

We quickly tell her what happened and she tells us to wait in the Waitingroom so we go there and anxiously wait for the Nurse to get back. When she gets back I Immediately get up and walk towards her.

Nurse: Ok so I called the Police and they're on their way to arrest the foster Parents meanwhile a worker from the sozial servises is on the way here. The Doctor will be here in a second because he wants to talk to you.

Lucy: Thank you very much. (with that the Nurse walks away)

Keira: Lucy can we talk real quick?

Lucy: Yeah of  course.

Keira pulls me away from the girls around the corner and we beginn to talk.

Katie Pov: 

Keira pulls Lucy around the Corner to talk while we all stay in the Waitingroom talking and waiting for the Doctor.

Alessia: What do you guys think they are talking about?

Beth: Honestly, I think they are going to Adopt the little one.

Viv: You think so Babe?

Katie: Obviously! I mean the she was sent to that house by the Sozial Services and now she should go back there? I don't think Lucy will let that happen and besides they have been thinking about adopting so now would be the perfekt chance.

Viv: I hope they Adopt her, they would be such a lovely familiy and with them Y/n will definitely see what Love is not that she had it at her Foster Home.

With that Lucy and Keira walk back around the corner with smiles on their faces and behind them I see the Doctor coming. When the Doctor gets to us he smiles.

Doctor:  I'm Doctor Grey and I'm happy to tell you that Y/n will be just fine. Normally I am not allowed to tell you anything but since she woke up she has not stopped asking for you so I will make an exception. Y/n has some bruised rips and her face is, as you probaply saw, also a little bruised. She also has a Broken arm but except that she will be perfectly fine but we put her arm in a cast so she will have to get that taken off in about 4 weeks.

Lucy: What about her temperature I mean she was freezing and her lips were blue?

Doctor Grey: We got her temperature up so it's back to normal she is still saying that she is cold but that is normal and will stop with time.

Katie: Thank you Doctor Grey. Can we see her?

Dr. Grey: Well seen as she's been asking for you I can't see why not but you can only be with her until the sozial worker is here so if you would just follow me I will bring you to her Room.   

Lucy Pov:

The Doctor just told us that we are allowed to see Y/n so right now we are following him to Y/n's Room. When we get there we walk through the Door and there in the bed I see Y/n brightly smiling at us. Honestly she is the cutest Girl I've ever seen.

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