We've got you

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Incase you're wondering what Trotti looks like. 

Lucy Pov:

After Keira and I heard that Y/n couldn't Breath we immediately got out of the Ice cabin and ran towards the Room that we got told she was in. When we get there Y/n is laying unconscious on a Beanbag with a Oxygen Mask and Mary behind her. When I see her laying there in this fragil state I begin Crying as does Keira.

Lauren: Guys come here and take our places.

We go over to her and I take Marys place while Keira sits infront of us and next to Lauren.

Lucy: What happened?

Mary told me everything that happened and I was mad at myself for leaving her with that Women. Y/n began stirring in my arms so I turned her to look at me. She opened her eyes and had a scared look for a second but calmed down when she saw us.

Lucy: You're ok Sweetie Mommy is here.

She tried taking the mask of but I stopped her because her lips where still blue and her Breathing wasn't completely back to normal.

Medic: She can go with you guys now but has to keep the Mask on for like an hour just to get her Breathing back to normal.

Lucy: How are you feeling my little Angel?

She didn't answer so I held her tighter and with her in my arms I stood up. As I was holding her up on my hip she started whimpering and trying to get down.

Keira: Hey my Love can you tell me what hurts?

She stayed quite but started Crying as I haven't put her down. I put her on the ground and when she started swaying from side to side I quickly squatted down to her and held her in my arms.

Lucy: Are you mute Baby?

She nodded so that was a clear answer

Keira: What's happening?

Medic: It might happen that she will be dizzy for a while because of the Oxygen loss the brain had but it will stop with time.

While I was hugging Y/n I put my hand on her Bottom to test something and when she started whining I knew I was right. But I also know my Daughter she would be crying right now but I blamed that on her being tired from all the crying earlier.

Lucy: Mary did you say that Karen hit her on the Bottom?

Mary: Yeah she said that she was punishing her for not listening.

Lucy: Sweetie is it you Bum that hurts?

She nodded wich just showed me that she really wasn't feeling good as she hasn't spoken a word since waking up.

Lucy: Can all of you except Keira leave for a moment please?

They nodded and went outside. I made Y/n look at me.

Lucy: Sweetie can Mamma and I take a look please?

She shook her head and pushed herself back into me. I again made her look at me to make it clear that this was serious.

Lucy: Sweetie we can help you but only if we can take a look. Please my little Angel for me?

She nodded and then burried her face in my chest. I kept on kissing her head lightly while slowly pulling down her pants and underwear. Keira took a look and her face told me that it looked bad.

Lucy: Sweetie go hug Mamma so I can have a look.

She turned and hid in Keira. I took a look and basically all I could see was red and a little bit of blue. That Women did not just hit her once to get this much damage done. I slowly pulled her pants back up and kissed her head.

Lucy: Sweetie this really doesn't look good does it hurt bad?

She nodded and began crying wich was hard with the oxygen Mask on so I went over to them and me and Keira kept her in a big hug until she calmed down.

Lucy: You're gonna be fine my Love. We've got you. 


Just a small part today but I actually really like this one. I think it's sweet how they handle the Situation in this Part.              


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