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Y/n Pov:

I have been sitting on my Mommy's lap for a while now because they are explaining to their Team what is happening. It's very warm and I'm Thirsty so I turn to my Mom and Pull on her sleeve to get her attention. She takes the one side of my ear defenders off and I notice how quite it is so I take them of and hand them to my Mom. She smiles at me and puts them on the table.

Lucy: What is it Sweetie?

Y/n: Mommy I'm warm and thirsty.

Lucy: Ok then let's take the Jacket off I dont know why you're still wearing that anyway.

She helps me to take off the Jacket and gives me my Bottle. While I'm drinking I look around the Room and a few of my Mom's Teammates wave at me. I wave back but burrie my head in my Mum's shoulder while she laughs at me.

Steph: Guys she is so cute.

Leah: I know right.

Caitlin: We still have 30 min until Training what do you want to do?

Kyra: Can we go out in the Snow?

Keira: Y/n do you want to go play in the snow?

Y/n: Yes Please.

Kyra: Let's Go!

Kyra shouts so I quickly cover my ears. I see a few Girls shooting her glares while my Mom uncovers my ears. She leans down so she can whisper in my ear.

Lucy: Sweetie?

Y/n: Yeah Mommy?

Lucy: Look to the Right behind you.

I look and see Beffy and Vivi. I look back at Mom wanting to go to them.

Lucy: Go on. Go say Hello

I get off of my Mum's lap and quickly walk over to them. Viv opens her arms so I run into them with Trotti under my arm. She Lifts me onto her Lap so that I can see Beffy and her.

Y/n: Hey Vivi. hey Beffy.

Vivi: Hey Sweetie how's your arm doing?

Y/n: Good doesn't hurt as much anymore.

Beffy: That's good little one and who is that?

Y/n: That's Trotti Mommy and Mamma got him for me.

Viv: Well he is very sweet. should we get dressed and go play in the snow a little?

Y/n: Yes Please

I look around and see that almost everyone had left the Room but my Mom's where still there so that's good. Viv and Beth took me over to my things and put me in my Winter Clothes.

I Walk to my Mom's who are talking to someone while Beth and Viv put on their Jackets

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I Walk to my Mom's who are talking to someone while Beth and Viv put on their Jackets.

Lucy: Well don't you look sweet. Come on lets go we don't have that much time.

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