It's ok Baby

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Lucy Pov:

We have been waiting more than two hours for Y/N's text now and at this point I'm scared that she is not ok. Keira got Home an hour ago so we explained the situation and Keira was just as shocked as we were and she wasn't even there. 

Viv: Do you guys think she is ok?

Alessia: I honestly don't know but I'm worried.

Beth: Yeah same

Katie: I don't get what is taking her so long I mean she said she would text Lucy when she got Home and now  it's been two hours and it's dark outside so she has to be Home by now doesn't she?

Katie rambels on as she starts walking up and down the Living Room.

Alessia: Katie! she will be ok calm down I'm sure she will text soon.

And just as she says that my Phone starts ringing. I look at it and it's an unknown Number so I quickly eccept the Call and stand up.

Lucy: Hello Y/N is that you?

At that all Girls looked in my direction so I put the Call on Speaker and waited for an Answer.

Lucy: Hello?

???: Lucy?

Lucy: Yes sweetie it's me are you ok?

Y/N: I... Lucy?

She said with a trembling voice

Lucy: What is it darling?

Y/N: I... I ran away Lucy

She said and I could hear her starting to cry.

Y/N: I couldn't take it anymore

I look at the girls and think for a second Beth comes up to me to whisper something in my ear.

Beth: Find out where she is I will get the Car ready she will freeze to death with those temperatures.

With all the Girls get ready except Katie who stands next to me.

Lucy: Sweetie can you tell me where you are?

Y/N: I... I d... don't know I'm some kind Park

Katie takes the Phone off of me and tells me to get a blanket and get ready so I grab the blanket from the Sofa next to me. Then Katie and I head of to put on shoes and Jackets and run to the Car where Katie starts to talk to Y/n.

Katie: Hey little one can you tell me the adress from your Foster Parents?

Y/N: Y... Yeah it's (Street Name) 

And with that Beth starts driving there.

Katie: Ok your doing good do you know how long you ran for?

Y/N: I... I d... don't know Katie I'm cold.

Viv: Y/N you said you were in some kind of park do you know witch way you ran when you got out of the House?

Y/N: Y... yeah

Viv: Darling wich way?

Y/N: L... L... Left 

Katie: Very good little one we're on the way hang on.

At the same time I turn to Beth 

Lucy: That can only be the (Park Name)

Beth: On the way will be like 10 minutes.

The drive feels like forever where we just talk to the little Girl on the other end of the Line but she sounds weak and can barely Talk. We get there We get out of the Car and I take the Phone off of Katie. There is just One more Problem, the park is big and we don't know where Y/n is.

Lucy: Y/n can you tell us what you see?

Y/N doesn't answer wich scares the shit out of me and I get tears in my eyes. Keira comes up to me and hugs me while Alessia gets the blanket out of the Car.

Keira: Ok guys let's just stay calm and start looking for her. we will start by walking the normal way.

So that was what we did but now it's 15 minutes and we decide to go two different ways. It's me with Keira and Katie and then the others (Viv, Beth, Alessia).

Beth Pov:

We have been walking for another 5 minutes when I finally see a small figure laying on a bench so I tap Viv and run over to the bench with Viv not far behind. I crouched and was shocked to see Y/n laying there in a T-Shirt with bruises all over her face and Neck. Viv took of her Jacket and put it over the little girl because Lucy had the blanket. Alessia was already calling them and Viv and I were trying to wake Y/n up.

Viv: Come on Sweetie wake up.

Beth: Viv we have to get her to a Hospital.

Viv: Yeah ok let's go.

With that she picket her up and we made our way to the Car. Alessia told the others to meet us at the Car. Tears came to my eyes as I saw the unresponsiv girl slummped in Viv's arms. When we got to the Car Viv and I got in the back with Y/n and started rubbing her arms and back in hopes to warm her up. Viv still had her arms wraped tightly around Y/n and was silently talking to her.

Viv Pov:

Me and Beth were in the Car with Y/n trying to warm her up while waiting for the others. Suddenly The little Girl in my arms woke up frightened and tried to get away from me. I started whispering to her to calm her down.

Viv: shh your ok sweetie I've got you.

Y/n: Vivi?

Viv: Yeah it's me we're gonna get you to a Hospital ok?

The Door opened and it was Lucy giving me the blanket I wrap it around the Girl and squish over so Lucy can get in. Y/n start Crying so I lay her down so she's on the legs of me, Beth and Lucy.

Y/n: It hurts Vivi

Viv: what hurts sweetie?

Y/n: My Arm and I'm tired.

Lucy: Hey Darling I know that you're tired but you have to stay awake ok?

We started Driving and I saw Y/n struggling to keep her eyes open so I started shaking her now and then.

Viv: Come on Y/n stay awake

Lucy Pov:

We were almost at the Hospital when I started crying, the Girl in my arms had bruises everywhere and had blue lips and all that because of her Foster Parents. She was still shaking even though she was in Viv's Jacket and a blanket. Y/n started to slowly close her eyes so I began to rub her Cheeks with her Face between my hands.

Lucy: Come on Sweetie just a little longer you can do it.

Y/n: C... C... Can't

With that we got to the Hospital but her eyes were closed and she was unconsius. I took her into my Arms and started carrying her inside while talking to her.

Lucy: It's ok Baby your gonna be ok.


Just one Part today but this one is a bit longer so I hope that is ok.

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