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Y/n Pov:

I woke up from the best sleep ever and now I just wanted to cuddle with my Mom's so I got out of bed took Trotti and still tired made my way to my Mom's. When I opened the Door I was unsure wether to wake them or if they would get mad.

Lucy: Hey my Angel what are you doing here this early?

Y/n: I couldn't sleep anymore and wanted you.

Lucy: Well then come in bed with me but don't wake your Mamma she can be grumpy when woken.

I quickly waddled over to mom and got in bed with her. She pulled me to her chest so I could listen to her Heartbeat. I looked at her and smiled, she also looked down and saw me smiling.

Lucy: What are you smiling at Munshkin?

She asked with her lips on my Forehead and then kissed it making me snuggle up to her more.

Y/n: Your heart sounds beautiful Mommy, so calm and Powerful.

Lucy: Thank you Sweetie I Love you so much my Girl

Keira: Are you Guys having a snuggle Party without me?

I started to laugh at my Mamma being jealous. Then Mom put her arms around me and turned around taking me with her so that I'm laying between Mom and my Mamma. I turned to Mamma and she smiled at me.

Y/n: Good Morning Mamma.

Keira: Good Morning Sweetie.

She pulled me towards her and kissed my head then we kept laying there with me snuggled up to my Mamma's for half an hour when we heard the Doorbell go.

Keira: You Guys get ready and I will go see who it is.

Lucy: Ok Babe. Right Little one let's get you ready.

Keira Pov:

I go to the Door and open it just to see the Postman in front of the Door. He gives me a package and I smile and say thank you. I go back inside just as Lucy comes down the Stairs. She comes over to me and puts her arms around me while giving me a Kiss.

Lucy: The little on is getting ready and then we have to get going as we're late already. we can stop at a Café to get Breakfast to go.

Keira: Ok but we have to tell her first that we have Training and I thin we're very Lucky that those just arrived. 

I said showing her Y/n's Headphones. Just then she walks down the Stairs and over to us. I grab her hand and we walk to the Kitchen.

Lucy: Sweetie, your Mamma and I have Training today ok? So that's where we're gonna go now and we need you to tell us when you get Overwhelmed ok?

Y/n: Wait that means new People.

Keira: That's right my love but you also know some like Katie, Beth and Viv ok? And I can Promis you that they are all very nice and woudn't hurt a fly. 

Y/n: Ok Mamma.

Keira: Good Girl. You just tell us when it's to loud so we can give you your Headphones.

Lucy: Do you want OJ for the way Baby?

Y/n: Yes please Mommy.

Keira: Right, go get what you need and put on shoes ok.

Y/n: Can I take Trotti Please?

Lucy: Of course Angel.

With that Y/n runs off to get ready. I turn to Lucy and give her a kiss before running to get ready myself.

Lucy Pov:

I am still in the Kitchen filling up Y/n's Bottle with OJ and Water.

 When I finish filling it up I go put on shoes and open the Door already

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 When I finish filling it up I go put on shoes and open the Door already. Then Keira and Y/n walk downstairs and we get in the Car. We would be late by now but we texted the Groupchat Yesterday asking if they could come an hour early for us to explain the situation with Y/n so it's not realy Training we're late to. I drive to the nearest Café and run in getting us something to eat. When we get to the Training Center we get out the Car and I notice Y/n is being a little hesitant.  

Lucy: Come on Sweetie we will be by your side the whole time.

Y/n: Ok but I'm not done eating my Croissant.

Lucy: That's ok just take it with you.

Y/n Gets out of the Car and takes my Hand.

Keira: Do you have everything? Bottle, Trotti, Croissant?

Y/n: Yes Mamma, but can I have the Headphones for now?

Keira: Of course Sweetie, well done for asking.

Keira walks to Y/n and puts the Headphones on our little Girl. She does a Hearing test and those things work like magic because she can't hear anything. So we take our stuff and walk inside to the Chill lounge where we told the others to go and as we're five minutes late they should all be here by now.

Lucy: Ok I will go in and tell them not to stare when you and Y/n walk in and that we will answer questions after ok. I will come get you after.

Keira: Ok go on

So I walk in and say hello to everyone. They all start asking where Keira is and if she is ok so I tell them that she is fine.

Lucy: Ok Guys I need you all not to freak out when Keira walks in because we have a guest with us who might be here a lot of times from now on.

Steph: What do you mean.

Lucy: We will explain in a minute just promis you will be calm because she is nervous and scared.

Leah and Caitlin: We Promis.

Lucy: Ok then wait here.

I go to the Door and let Keira and Y/n in when they step in I can see a lot of shocked and confused faces. Y/n was looking on the floor and took my hand while Keira got two Chairs for her and me. I pulled my Daughter over to the Chair with me and sat her on my knee. We start Explaining and they all seem to understand and show their support in case that we need help.


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