Talk and decorations

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Lucy Pov:

Keira and I have been sitting down here watching a movie for the last one and a half hours when i finally hear little feet tapping down the Stairs. I turn around and see Y/n still holding her Elephant and looking tired.

Lucy: Hey Sweetie come to Mommy 

I open my arms wide so she can run into them wich she does so I pull her into me and she puts her head on my shoulder still holding her Stuffie.

Keira: Had quite the nap didn't you?  

Y/n: yeah. I'm sorry for what happened at the Shopping-Center.

Lucy: There is nothing to be sorry about ok. But we still have to talk about what happened ok?

Y/N: Ok

Keira: Do you wanna tell us what happened sweet girl?

Y/n looks down and starts fidgeting with her hands while we just sit there and give her time.

Y/n: I was just walking next to you but there was this Guy that bumped into me so I fell. I fell on my arm and it hurt so I started to cry. But when I cry the People surroundet m... me a... and started a... asking questions it got t... too loud so I Panic and c... curl up.

Y/N started Crying while telling us and honestly it was heartbreacking but so sweet because of the speech she used it was just so sweet. When she finished talking she was still looking down and crying so I lifted her head by her chin and just kissed her Forehead. She slowly stopped crying and cuddled up to me while Keira was looking for something on her phone.

Keira: Hey my Angel how about we get you Noise cancelling Headphones and whenever it gets to loud or you feel overwhelmed you ask for some quite time so we know you want your Headphones.

Y/n: Really you would do that?

Lucy: Ofcourse we would sweetie and I actually really like this Idea could have come from me.

That made Y/n giggle wich was just the cutest giggle you will ever hear.

Keira: Ok I just orderd them, how about we decorate your Room now and after we eat and go to bed? Would you like that.

Y/n: Yes please.

Lucy: Alright then let's go!

I Pick up my little girl and bring her over to the stuff we bought for her. We start bringing everything up and I start building the furniture up.

Keira: Look at your Mommy being Bob the builder.

Y/n laughs so I grap her bring her into my arms and tikle her until she is laughing so hard she has tears in her eyes. I stop, Kiss her head and help her up just to give her a little push to the Door.

Lucy: Ok sweetie now go help your Mamma ok?  

Y/n: Ok Mommy!

She screams while running away leaving me sitting there and still wondering how I got so Lucky. About two Hours later I am done with Y/n's Room I told them an hour ago to go down and make Dinner and that I would surprise them with Y/n's Room. I wanted Y/n to really like it so I too one last look and went down to them.

Lucy: Hey my little Familiy

Y/n: Hey Mommy are you done with my Room?

Lucy: I am you want to look at it now I have a feeling later you will be to tired to really look at it.  

Y/n: YEEES Please Mamma can we look at it now?

Keira: Ok but quick Dinner is ready.


With that I take Y/n's hand and lead her up to her Room. I look behind me and see Keira recording I smile and tell Y/n to go on. She opens the Door and runs in, we walk in behind her and see her standing in the middle of the Room (Picture above) looking around Keira still recording.

Lucy: You like it sweetie?


She runs around the Room taking quick looks at everything bevor running at me and jumping in my arms and burrying her face in my Neck.

Y/n: Thank you Mommy.

Lucy: Your welcome. 

Keira: Alright Guys let's go eat.

We walk down the Stairs and sit at the Table Y/n between me and Keira. We have some Spaghetti and talk until I notice the time and I think it's time to go to bed for the little one.

Lucy: Right let's get you to bed little one.

I look over to her and see her barely being able to keep her eyes open. Definetly Bed time. Y7n lifts her arms towards me.

Y/n: Carry me?

Lucy: Ok off we go.

I pick her up and put her on my hip. I was about to walk of when she asks for Keira to come and with no second thought she stood up and Followed us to Y/n's Room. I put her on the bed while Keira got some PJ's out of her Closet. We had to put it on her because she kept on falling asleep while sitting up. Keira laughed and got her Phone out.

Keira: Hold on keep going I have to film this.

Lucy: Keira its hard changing a kid who i falling asleep alone.

Keira: I know it's just so sweet.

Keira stopped filming and when Y/n was finally changed we put her to bed and tucked her in both of us giving her a kiss on the head.

Lucy: Sleep well Baby.

Y/n: Good Night Mommy. Good Night Mamma.

Keira: Good Night Angel

Y/n: Wait where Trotti?

Lucy: Who is Trotti Sweetie?

Keira: It's her Elephant she told me earlier that thats his name.

Lucy: Why Trotti?

Keira: Don't know but its sweet.

Y/n: Trotti?

I pick up the Elephant from the Chair and bring it over to the half asleep Girl.

Lucy: Here you go Sweetie now go to Sleep.  

I kiss her Head again and then turn to leave the Room.

Y/n: Ok Good Night.

I close the Door and Keira and I decide to also go to Bed as we have Training Tomorrow. I hope Training will be ok with the Team meeting Y/n and mostly Y/n meeting so many new People.   


New Part sorry for the delay.


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