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Time Skip a few days

Keira Pov:

Lucy an I have just woken up and are laying in bed talking about our plans today

 Keira: Alright Babe you get ready and I will wake the little one.

Lucy: Deal. See you in a min my Love

Lucy walks into the Bathroom and I walk to our Daughter who is still sleeping in her bed curled up under the Blanket. I sit next to her and stroke her head.

Keira: Good Morning Sweetie time to get up.

She Yawns while whining a little. She turns to me and crawls onto my lap and puts her head on my chest cuddeling into me.

Y/N: Good Morning Mamma 

Keira: Good Morning my Love. Shall we get you dressed and ready for the day?

Y/n: Mhh No Cuddle

I laugh but I pull her towards me and lay down with her on top of me.

Keira: Ok Sweetie we have 5 min

I lay there on the Bed with my Daughter on my chest and kiss her head while she cuddles into me. Lucy walks in and Laughs at us. She walks over to the bed and looks at us.

Lucy: So thats how you get our Daughter out of Bed.

Keira: She wanted to Cuddle and you know I can't say no to her.

Lucy: I know but still we have 5 min till we have to go so get up and get yourself ready and I'll get this one Ready.

She says while picking up our tired Daughter who Immediately puts her head in Lucy's Neck

Y/n: Good Morning Mommy.

Lucy: Good Morning my Angel are you still tired?

Y/n: Yes Mommy

I Jump out of Bed and rush around the Room to get myself ready while Lucy gets our Daughter ready.

Y/N Pov:

My Mommy is helping me get ready right now because I'm way to tired to do that by myself. When I'm ready I reach out for her to pick me up wich she does and then us and Mamma walk down to Breakfast. On the way downstairs we come across Millie, Rachel and Hempo.

Millie: Hello Little Family. Awww you got a tired one today?

Lucy: Yeah she slept enough but is still very tired.

Millie: Poor little one. Are you ok Sweetie?

She walks Behind Lucy so she can Look at me and strockes her Thumb over my Cheek. 

Y/n: I'm Okay Aunty Millie just a little more tired then Normally.

Rachel: Well I know exactly what helps with that how about you try walking to get your Energy up?

I Shake my Head and Burrie back into the Neck of Mommy.

Rachel: Sorry Lucy I tried.

Lucy: It's fine Rache I'm sure she will be back to normal after Breakfast.

When we got to Breakfast my Mom carried me over to the Food and got me a Bowl of Fruit and Joghurt. After we got our Food we went to our seats and Mom wanted to put me down on my own seat but I held onto her tightly.

Lucy: Sweetie can you go to your seat so we can eat please?

Y/n: No Mommy I'm tired.

Lucy: I know my Love but we both have to eat so go on your own seat please.

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