Addicted part 1

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After escorting everyone out of my house I ran some lines alone and prepared for an upcoming audition. I was having inappropriate thoughts about Devale when he text me asking me to come have lunch with him and Amira.

Amira and I have a auntie niece type of relationship, she is a cool little kid. She has Khadeens eyes, jet black wavy hair and skin tone. The bottom half of her face is all Devale, nose lips and cheeks. She's tall for 9, she could easily model like her mom but she's a sports girl. Cheer,volleyball,soccer and tennis.

I pull up to RedRobin and have lunch with the duo. Amira is telling me all about the friendship bracelets her and her cool friends have that made the means girls jealous. Listen 4th grade drama is juicy.

We ordered our food before Devale went to the restroom. Khadeen was calling his phone he left it at the table.

Hi Mommy Mir Mir chirps into the phone. Daddy is in the bathroom, me and TT waiting on our strawberry lemonade. Ok mommy I'll tell him, I love you too, bye

Amira told Devale her mommy said to call when they were heading back home.

Amira: TT how come you and my mommy are not friends anymore?

Devale: What makes you think that baby girl?

Amira: I don't know, are you and my mommy still friends TT.

Crystal: Amira I love your mommy, you know that right?

Amira: Yeah I know but you don't come over that much anymore, and she don't come to lunch with us anymore and when I told her I was with you she just said ok.

Yall didn't talk to each other, and the other day when I asked her if I could come to your house she said you was busy but she didn't even ask you. I told her daddy was there because I saw his car when me and mommy drove by. I told her yall let me practice lines with yall but she still said no.

Crystal: Aww I'm sorry you couldn't come over, do you want me to call your mommy and ask if you can come to my house now?

Amira: Yes please!

Devale: Crys you don't have to do that she can go. I'll come get her in a hour.

Crystal: Khadeen may have something planned, I don't want to do anything against her MOTHERS wishes Devale.

I know this bitch ain't calling me while having lunch with my daughter and my husband without me. You should see how she in there coloring with my child.

Kali: Girl let's go in there, what we sitting out here for?

Khadeen: I just wanna see something and Amira loves her, I'm not go put on a scene in front of my baby.

Kali: Khadeen are you sure they fucking because it looks like Mira and Crystal having lunch, Devale isn't paying them any attention. It doesn't look sus to me but you would know better than me. She's calling back, answer it.

Khadeen: Hello

Crystal: Uhm hey Khadeen I'm at RedRobin with Mira and D, is it okay if I take her with me for a few hours.

Khadeen: What did her father say?

Crystal: He said to clear it with you Khadeen is it okay or does tomorrow work better?

Khadeen: No it's fine. Mimi I'll see you later. I love you.

Amira: Ok mommy, I love you too.

Khadeen and Kali was shopping near by when mimi told her they were at lunch. From her car she watched Crystal and Mimi leave, Devale paid the bill then called her.

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