Khadeen to the Rescue?

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It's the following day. Duece has his 3 week check up and both Crystal and Mimi have follow up appointments today. It took Devale 15 mins to get Duece loaded into the carseat before he figured it out. Amira had a full blown attitude because she wanted to wear a scarf to cover her face and Crystal isn't having it at all. Crystal is in a mood because she is just over it all at this point.

Crystal: Wait, where is Deuce diaper bag?

Devale: Shit I left it on the table, ill grab it.

Crystal: Hurry up babe were already running late.

Amira: Yeah daddy it's hot back here.

Crystal: Amira hush, you back there in a turtle neck like it's not 82° out here.

Amira: It's not a turtle neck, it's just a jacket.

Crystal: Girl I don't care if its a quilt, stop complaining when you have another option.

Amira: Do I have the option to stay home? No I don't so this is my only option.

Crystal: Watch your mouth and check that attitude.

Devale: Can we just get through today please. Yall both stressing me the fuck out. Amira your attitude is on 10 and yours is at a fucking 20 Crystal I need both of yall to chill the fuck out please.

Crystal: Devale stop talking to me like I'm one of these damn kids and let's go.

Amira: Can we get Starbucks on the way.

Devale: No baby, you can get Starbucks from the hospital it's a Starbucks in the foodcourt.

Amira: OMG Nevermind.

Crystal turned in her seat as best as she could towards Amira but it wasn't effective so she pulled down her viser to look at Amira through the mirror.

Crystal: You seem to be begging for me to get on your ass today. Check your attitude and that's your very last warning. I'm not in the mood today.

Amira: I didn't even say nothing.

Crystal: Well say "nothing" without the attitude, all you had to say was you don't feel comfortable and prefer the drive through. He can't read your mind, I keep telling you to use your voice.

Amira: No actually you keep telling me to shut up, since I woke up you have been snapping at me.

Crystal: Amira hush, if you would have got up and dressed when I said and not when you felt like it you wouldn't have got snapped at. Me telling you to check your attitude and you telling your dad you prefer the drive through don't have anything to with each other. Let me clear it up in regards to your face, arm, illness find your voice. When it comes to all this extra sass in your ass today shut it up. Understand?

Devale: Ok enough from both of you, got damn. Are yall on yall periods or something, Amira we can go to the Starbucks drive through after Duece appointment. Just chill out.

The rest of the drive was silent which Devale was happy about. When they got to the doctors office Amira started back up again.

Amira: Why can't I just sit in the car until it's time for my appointment. I'm big enough to sit alone for twenty minutes.

Devale: No, let's go.

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