Pregnant Life

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Khadeens whole face cracked when the judge read the results, she turned to her lawyer saying it must be a mistake, she was certain Devale was Allani's. She started having a meltdown saying she would have never agreed to $250,000 if she thought child support was off the table. She wants double!

Her lawyer kept trying to get her to be quiet. The judge bang the gavel and called for order. The judge did allow Allani's last name to remain Ellis to match Khadeen. Khadeen knew that would bother Crystal. It was the only win she took.

Once court was dismissed everyone shuffled out to the hallway. Khadeen and company exited first while Devale was thanking his attorney. Khadeen was still trying to convince herself and her family that somehow Devale must have had the test altered.

Sean pulled Khadeen to the side as questioned her on if he was the father, they had planned a baby together however the delivery of the baby didn't match up with them sleeping together.

Khadeen told him if it really wasn't Devale it had to be him. She was insulted that he would assume it was someone other than him. She was only having sex with her husband and Sean.

Sean said he wanted a DNA immediately which caused Khadeen to cause a scene. She asked Sean why would he ask her for a DNA test infront of them. Them being Crystal and Amira who was now walking past the arguing couple. Crystal stopped once her and Khadeen made eye contact.

Khadeen looked back and forth between the two before yelling "What the fuck yall staring at" she was shocked that Crystal didn't react. She wanted a reaction. Amira instinctively stood right in front of Crystal. Crystal very calmly while moving Mimi to the side said to Khadeen "Cuss towards my kidS again, I fucking dare you".

Everyone heard that (S) on kids. Amira once again had made her way back in front of Crystal. "Let's go find Daddy" she said as she grab her mother's hand. With her free hand Crystal rubbed her belly confirming the thought written all over Khadeens face.

Devale had just made his way out the court room as this was taking place. "Babe, you good?" He asked peeping the look on Crystal's face.

"I couldn't be better, congratulations baby" she replied. Amira ran to hug Devale "Yeah daddy, thank you for giving me ONE mother and ONE sibling".

Devale looked down at Amira and laughed, he knew she was deadass.

Khadeens mom and sister wanted to fight and cuss at Crystal but they knew better. Sean walked off. Khadeen started talking to family but again directed at Crystal.

Khadeen: You want my life so bad, first my husband and then my kid I can wait to see how quick he cheats on you leaving you with a baby.

Crystal:Khadeen do not address me.

Khadeen: What?

Devale: Ok ok that's enough. Khadeen my lawyer will have your check by 4pm today. Babe, let's go feed my kids.

Once they were in the car Devale started to explain why he agreed to the extra $100,000 but Crystal truly didn't care at all.

Crystal: Babe honestly it's doesn't matter, I'm just glad this is finally over.

Devale: Really?

Crystal: Yes babe really, now feed me please. We only have 2 hours until outr next appointment.

Amira: Where else are yall going? Can I go?

Crystal: After lunch I have a doctor's appointment to make sure the baby is healthy. You can go if you want or you can do a half day of school.

Amira: I want to go!

They went to Mimi's favorite spot RedRobin. Crystal noticed how genuinely happy Amira was and that made her even happier.

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