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I knew that last comment would eat them both alive. I grinned at the stupid look on both of their faces as I walked out the door.

On the car ride home I was forced to sit with my feelings. I still didn't have the answers I came for but I didn't need them. It's clear Khadeen and Sean set me up. I feel my eyes watering, I'm hurt and I really did love him.

Maybe I should stay single for awhile because clearly I don't know how to pick them. I know D said he was leaving but I hope he is still at my house when I get there. I want to be cuddled tonight.

It's 3am when I finally make it back home. Thank goodness it's the weekend and we don't film tomorrow. I'm sad when I get home to an empty house.

I take off my joggers and panties before I  climb into bed with just my t-shirt on. I quickly drifted off to sleep. The next morning I wake up and just lay there starring at the ceiling. I checked the time it's 6:45 am. I need more sleep but I'm restless.

Are you awake?

My Ace 🤐🖤
I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I put my phone on the charger and grabbed the remote turning on the TV to some random channel. I fell back to sleep in that little bit of time it took Devale to get there. I woke up when I felt him pull the covers back. He took off my t-shirt and bra then pulled my naked body on top of him. He traced up my body from my shoulder down to my thigh. He flips us over, he kisses me deep as he hovers over me. He is being aggressive he always is after we have went to long without satisfying each other. He crawls down my body and lifts my legs to my neck before licking, tasting and taunting me.

"Right there" I purr as his tongue reaches my g spot. A few licks later and I was a wet puddle under him. "Come here" he demands as his lifts me up by my waist before sitting me on his face.

Ohhh Fuck, I can run I can't move. It feels like an earthquake is busting through me. Please daddy please fuck me. He rubbed the head of his 11inches at my opening. "Baby stop teasing me, give it to me" I begged as my pussy jumped with anticipation.

Devale: No, apologize first, you want daddy dick huh. Not until you say sorry.

Crystal: Please Baby, I reached down grabbing his massive dick trying too guide him inside quicker, he spanks my hand and continues teasing me.

Devale: I said apologize Crystal, you hurt daddy's feelings. Say your sorry so I can give you what you need. You want daddy's dick or do you need it?

Crystal: I need it baby, I'm sorry daddy. Please Daddy give it to me.

Devale slide all 11 inches into her causing her to gasp for air and trying to find something to hold on to. The more he fucked me the more aggressive he got.

Who's pussy is it huh, stop fucking running Crystal. Take it...that's right take it all. That's my good girl...fuck you so tight.

Omg God, your too deep Please ahhh uh uhm ahhh fuck. I'm sorry I'm sorry daddy please

Devale: Nah I told you not to leave this house didn't I? Stop running Crystal before I go harder.

Crystal: I can't take anymore, I wrap my legs around his waist forcing him to cum inside me, I orgasmed immediately after pushing him and his seamen out of me.

He hugged me until I fell asleep again.
I woke up in the same position, I tried
to get up but he pulled me back down.
"Babe, let me up. I have to use the
bathroom". He let's me up, I take the
opportunity to take a quick shower
and put on a tank top. I creep back
to my bed trying not to wake him, it
doesn't take long to see he is awake

Devale: Why you creeping around
and why you put that shirt on, take it
off and come lay me with

Crystal: I'm not creeping, I thought
you was still asleep. Can you get up
and take me to breakfast.

Devale: Do you want to talk about it?

Crystal: No, not yet.

Devale: Ok cool, give me ten minutes to jump in the shower.

Over breakfast I start to tell Devale every detail of what happened last night.

Devale: Did he put his hands on you?

Crystal: No but Khadeen was there. I tell him about our interaction.

Devale: I figured that's where she was when I saw the nanny was with Amira. I'm divorcing her and taking Amira, she can visit her whenever but I'm getting custody of my baby.

I tell everything except for Khadeens abortions because that's her body her choice. Devale is upset at some parts of the story but doesn't seemed shocked at all.

Devale: Can I ask you a question with out you getting upset?

Crystal: It depends on what the question is.

Devale: Did you and Khadeen sleep together? I'm asking because I know her and Kali are both bisexual. It won't change anything within our friendship. I just want to know the truth.

Crystal: No Devale, the only time I had any kind of sexual encounter with Khadeen is when we had that threesome. I was druck and did that as a favor to yall and look where it got me, I am not bisexual. I do not like women and I never slept with your wife. Please make that the first and last time you ask me that.

Devale: My bad. I was just curious. One more question I swear, do you still have feelings for him?

Crystal: Yes Devale but I don't want too for what it's worth.

Devale: If Khadeen wasn't a factor would you consider getting back with him?

Crystal: No, he isn't good for me or my brand. He has hurt me both physically and emotionally repeatedly. Also before you ask no I'm not dropping the charges on him either.

Devale: I wasn't going to ask you that. Look Kay and I have a lot to untangle and figure out. But I want to be with you, is that something you would consider?

Crystal: No Devale, you already knew the answer to that. Don't do that, you and I will never be an option.

Devale: Why not Crystal? Why won't you let yourself be happy?

Crystal: Why are you convinced that you are the source of my happiness?

Devale: My bad Playa, I don't mean it like that. I just mean it's clear we love each other so why suffer apart when we can be happy together?

Crystal: Devale can we drop this please.

Devale: Yeah, come on let me get you home. I got some stuff to take care of.

Crystal: No you don't Devale, you're irritated because you dont see that us together will ruin both of our careers and our friendship. You just want your way, come on I'm ready.

Devale: You're wrong Crystal it wouldn't ruin anything because I wouldn't allow it to. It's fine though, I rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all.

Crystal: I agree, look I want to be honest with you and myself. I want to start dating but I don't want any static. I want your support, can you give that to me without the drama

"Whatever you need." I tell her. I drop her off and head straight to this niggas doorstep to confront my wife. I don't give a fuck about a restraining order. When it comes to my daughter ill take every charge they hand me.

Okay yall, a quick filler chapter. Do yall want the confrontation between Devale and Khadeen? Can Devale pull back the jealousy to support Crystal? Should they just date and see what happens? Can Crystal move on from the Ellises? Did Crys and Kay have a thing? DID YALL VOTE AND COMMENT?


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