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After they put Amira was under Devale went to find Crystal who was is the main waiting room feeling numb. He walked over standing her up pulling her into the tightest hug. She did not hug him back, she just stood there.

Devale: She doesn't hate you baby, I'm sorry she said those things to you.

Crystal: I don't want to talk about it, how is she doing.

She is sedated they are going to start her anesthesia and then start the procedure. I came to get you.

Crystal: Ok give me a second to get myself together.

A few minutes later after Crystal pulled herself together she met Devale in the surgery room. The sedation was wearing off and Amira was fighting the anesthesia trying to pull the mask off her face.  She was half awake, she could see Devale he was blurry but she knew it was him.

Her eyes darted to the lady walking toward her, the closer the lady got her face became clearer. The lady looked and very concerned. Amira was trying to make herself look at the lady to prevent the anesthesia from fully kicking in.

The lady was coming to close to her face, closer than her dad. She started to panic. She cried out for her daddy.

Amira: Daddy? Daddy!

Devale: I'm here baby, relax just relax.

As the lady came closer her face she didn't look concerned she looked very very sad. The lady took some ointment and rubbed Amira scar. She heard her mother's voice say. It's ok sweets, mommy is here.

Amira could see her face clearly, it was definitely her mother. She opened her eyes completely. She couldn't believe she came back.

Amira: Mommy I'm sorry I love you mommy I love so much. I didn't mean it, I love you mommy. I dont hate you, Please still love me, I'm sorry for saying means things. Please still be my mommy.

Crystal: Shh shhh, it's ok baby. Listen they are going to give one more round of anesthesia if it doesn't work then they will have to reschedule. You want to go home right?

Amira: Yes, but I'm afraid.

Crystal: Afraid of what baby, we're right here. I'm not leaving your side, I promise.

Devale gave the thumbs up to turn on the anesthesia while Crystal had her calm.

Amira: I know but I'm scared for what's coming after.

Crystal: What do you mean?

Amira: I mean when I have to go with Khadeen.

The anesthesia finally kicked in, she is starting to feeling woozy. Crystal was holding one of Mimi's hands while stroking her hair with the other. Crystal leaned over and whisperd in her ear. "I will ALWAYS protect you". One single tar fell from Amira eye, she squoze Crystal's hand before knocking out.

Devale: Come on babe, we need to wait in the waiting room. They sd it should take about 2.5 hours.

Crystal: I can't leave her. What if the anesthesia wears off and she wakes up looking for me.

Devale: She will be fine, come on. We need you to sit down and catch a breath baby.

Crystal: Ok, but I need to be here when she wakes up.

Devale and Crystal grabbed a turkey sandwich from the deli in the hospital room. They made there way up to the waiting room immediately seeing g Khadeens sister and mom.

Khadeens mom: Look at this sorry excuse for a father and his baby stealing heifer. Amira is my grandchild and she's going to coming where she belongs.

Crystal: Unless you want to be the next one in a hospital bed shut the fuck up.

Khadeens sister: Yo don't disrespect my mother like that or it's going to be a problem.

Crystal: Bitch it's already a fucking problem. What your pussy ass wanna do?

Khadeens sister: Didn't you just have a baby 3 weeks ago and you trying to fight. Pathetic.

Crystal: Exactly, fuck you fuck your sister and fuck yo mama to both of yall faces bitch. You better be thankful my baby need that hoe kidney or the bitch would've been handled.

Devale: Come on babe, we not doing this right now.

Crystal: Yes we are doing this right now, this bitches can suck my ass sideways. That bitch caused the accident then think she gone get access to my child. I think the fuck not. I'm her mother, me not that worthless bitch.

Devale: Babe calm down, it's cool.

Crystal: It's not cool, stop saying that shit. She caused Amira to have a fucking mental breakdown today on top of everything else she was already going through. I will SMACK both these hoes where they stand if they think Amira will spend one fucking second with them.

Devale dragged Crystal by the hand back to Amira room, she was cussing Khadeens family out the whole time.

Devale: Babe it's just the twonof us in here, I need you to calm down. I understand why you're upset and you have every right to be but this isn't going to help anything right now.

Crystal: You're right, but Devale I'm telling you now the day she show up at my door thinking my kid going with her with be the day she takes her last fucking breath.

The doctor came in to notify them they have successfully transplanted Khadeens kidney to Amira. They will be waking her up soon. Crystal called to check on Duece then the two headed to the operating room that Amira shared with Khadeen.

Khadeen woke up first, the doctors was explained the procedure went well, they are going to wheel her to recovery in 30 minutes. None of her family was in the room just her and Devale and Crystal.

You could see in her face she was pissed looking at Crystal holding Amira hand after she thought she succeeded in severing there relationship.Crystal kissed her baby on the forehead, glance over at Khadeen and gave her a nasty smirk as Amira was waking up.

Crystal: Hi my baby, how you feeling?

Amira observed the situation before responding. She gave Khadeen the same nasty smirk before responding.

Amira: Hi Mommy, I feel PROTECTED.

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