That 🤬

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Devale: Where are you going?

Crystal: To Sean's house, this nigga played in my face with this bitch and I want to know why.

Devale: You're not going nowhere near him, fuck that nigga.

Crystal: annnnt wrong, I'm definitely going to confront his ass, if you mad be mad. These bitches played with my life. All the shit he put me through for the last two fucking years.

Crystal was so upset tears fell from her eyes.

Devale: What the fuck are you crying for Crystal? Let that shit go. That's your fault because you shouldn't have never been fucking with him to begin with. Take your L and move the fuck on.

Crystal: I shouldn't have never been fucking with YOU, that's my fault. The rest of this is you and your sick ass wife fault. The only reason I didn't beat the fuck out of her when Kali and Evan got married immediately after he left me was out of respect for you and our careers but I'm telling you to your face I'm going end up beating the shit out of your sneaky ass wife.

Devale: Yo cool out, you doing too much. Calm the fuck down.

Crystal: I'm doing to much? Meeeee I'm the one doing to much, you would say some shit like that. Excuse me I got some business to handle.

Devale: Crystal it's 1am, you have been drinking and you're on bullshit. You not going nowhere Crystal, you pissing me off.

Crystal: Devale I don't give a fuck about you being pissed off. 🗣🗣🗣 YOU ARE NOT MY MAN. I don't answer to you and you don't have the right to tell me that I can't confront the person who hurt me for no reason.

Devale: Fine, I'm going with you.

Crystal: No Devale.

Devale: Then you're not fucking going. I understand you're upset but I'm not about to allow you to go anywhere near a nigga that keeps putting his hands on you.

Crystal: Allow? I don't need your permission and I can handle myself Devale, I don't need protecting. I need answers I'm going to get them.

Devale: You got it, I'm going to leave. I'll catch up with you later.

Crystal: Why are you leaving Devale?

Devale: Why would I stay?

Crystal: Because I want you too, but I'm not going to beg you to so the ball is in your court. Hopefully you'll be here when I get back.

Devale: I won't be, because you don't fucking listen and I'm stressed enough as it is.

Crystal: Typical Devale, when you can't control me you dissappear on me.

Devale: Typical Crystal, hardheaded and short tempered  but whatever, gone do what you gotta do but remember what I said.


I didn't even respond. I threw  some joggers on and headed straight to Sean's place. When I pulled up the house was dark. He parks his car in the garage so I wasn't sure if he was home or not. I used my key to unlock the door, I headed to his bedroom he wasn't there. I should come back tomorrow but I want answers now. I go downstairs to wait for him come home, it doesn't matter when he returns I'll be right here waiting. Soon as I get to the first level him and Khadeen are coming upstairs from the basement level. They must have been here the whole time.

At this moment I realized Devale was right, I shouldn't have come here. I was fully prepared to see Sean but seeing Khadeen through me off. I see red, it's taking every single ounce of will power not to punch her in the face.

I just stare her the fuck down, if she attempts to say anything slick pregnant or not I'm about to stomp her out. Khadeen a dumb hoe but she not stupid, she knows how far to push me.

Sean: Why do you want?

Khadeen: I'm going to go, I'll see you tomorrow.

Sean: You don't have to go anywhere, I don't know why she's here. Isn't your work husband waiting for you?

Crystal: You know why I'm here and she needs to leave NOW. Bye Khadeen, I'll deal with you soon enough.

Khadeen: You don't intimidate Crystal, ain't nobody worried about you boo.

Crystal: Oh but you are, and you know as well as I do that if you wasn't pregnant he would be pulling me off of you. You have been jealous of me since the day I got casted opposite of Devale. You tried to play the sis role but couldn't stand the fact that your husband was attracted to me.

Devale wasn't even on my radar until you plotted against me after I wouldn't let you lick on my pussy. You was so mad I wouldn't bump coochies with you that you destroyed my relationship. You put your friend on my fiancé when I did nothing to you. You accused me of fucking your husband when I wasn't, you have been cheating on Devale since I met you. How many abortions by other niggas have you had in the past three years? Four. How many is your husband aware of? Zero. Bitch even after you did me dirty I kept your secrets. To this day I've kept my mouth shut but you still keep fucking with my life. Why?

Sean: Crystal leave, before I

Crystal: Before you what? What are you going to do. If you lay a hand on me you will be dead before daylight. I want to know why Sean. I gave you my heart, I told you what happened with Evan and you still did me dirty. I loved you, shit as stupid as it sounds I still love you. Did you ever love me or did this bitch send you into my life? Was the last two years a fucking game to you?

Sean: No Crystal it wasn't a game, the time we spent together was very real. I loved you, I'm in love with both of you. I didn't know any of this I swear.Just give me a chance to make it right. I'll end all of this with her for another shot with you.Fuck this was a mistake, I'm sorry Crystal, we can work this out. You still love me?

Khadeen: Sean are you fucking serious? I'm pregnant with your son!!

Crystal: Make it right? It's not anything you can say or do that would ever convince me to get back with you. I loved you with my soul, I could've did you dirty so many times. I allowed your insecurities to interfere with my career. I protected you after you hurt me. You choked me unconscious and I said nothing because I loved you and wanted to be with you. I told Tyler I would quit if he wrote in intimate scenes with Devale because it made you uncomfortable.  Then to find out you been in a full blown relationship with this useless ass bitch. Really Sean?

Sean: That's not how it happened I swear.

Crystal: Then how did it happen? At what point did it become fuck me, at what point did you start mistreating and innocent child because of who her father is? When and how exactly did it happen?

Sean: I'll admit she came on to me immediately after you introduced us but it wasn't until she kept sending videos of you with her husband that she and I became close. I didn't mean to fall for her. I love her but not like I love you. All of this was a huge mistake. She seduced me and I fell for her. You know me Crystal I would never mistreat a child. She convinced me you was sleeping with her husband and that she wanted to start a new family. She doesn't want her daughter, she told me you had a man at this house the day her daughter was there. She also told me you were openly flirting with her husband last week. I didn't know it was a lie I swear.

Crystal: Coming here was a mistake, you too deserve each other. I pray for that baby having you two as parents. I hope yall both rot in hell. Stay the fuck away from me.

Sean: Wait don't leave!

Khadeen: Are you begging this bitch to stay like I'm not standing here pregnant with your child. The child she refused to have for you?

Crystal: You got one more bitch before you be tasting your blood. Try me!

Khadeen: Fuck you Crystal, you not innocent. You knew Devale liked you and you did nothing about it. You play innocent but would flirt with me when then blame the liquor. I got Evan out the way so we could be together but you ran into the my husband's arms when I was right there.

Crystal: You're a sick twisted individual but I still owe you a thank you. If it wasn't for your psychotic ass I would've missed out on the best orgasms of my life. I'm going to go, my work husband is waiting to see his cum dripping out my pussy. Todaloo!

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