Daddy's Girl

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Devale: Baby girl wake up.

Mimi: I'm sleepy daddy, what time is it?

Devale: It's 5am, come on get up.

Mimi: Five minutes daddy, five minutes.

Devale: Ok, ill be back in five minutes.

Instead he set her Alexa for ten minutes while he changed and fed Amerie.

Amira decided she would only refer to him as Amerie for the week to teach him his full name. They rest of the house called him whatever came to mind.

Amira was up brushing her teeth putting on a hoodie when her dad came to check on her.

Amira: I'm up daddy, I'm almost ready. Are you bringing my brother?

Devale: I was going to but he went back to sleep. We'll bring him next time.

Amira: Okay.

Devale went kissed a sleeping Crystal on the lips. Twenty minutes later they were headed up the highway listening to old school r&b.

Amira: Daddy I miss our daddy daughter breakfast dates.

Devale: Me too, I'm glad you're feeling better. I was worried about you.

Amira: I know daddy, I'm ok now.

Devale: You sure?

Amira: Yes daddy.

Devale: Ok, I know if something is wrong you will tell mommy but daddy is here too.

Amira: I know daddy.

Devale: Good, what do you want to do for your birthday this year?

Amira: Something light, not too much.

Devale: What that mean?

Amira: I'm turning 13 next year and I want a huge huge bash but this year it don't matter.

Devale: I got you. How are you feeling about the school year?

Amira: I feel ok, I know mommy wants me to stay in my regular grade but I don't want to daddy. I can handle 10th grade with the big kids. I'm am a big kid.

Devale: We know you can handle it but that doesn't mean you have too, you had a really tough last few months kiddo. We were thinking about getting you some therapy so you can speak with someone.

Amira: No thank you, I'll pass.

Devale: Princess, they can help.

Amira: Help with what? I don't want to go.

Devale: Help with your emotions and help you adjust to all the new changes going on.

Amira: What new changes? My brother is the only new change and I love him.

Devale: I know you love your brother baby. I'm talking about everything overall. In a little over a year  your life has been completely turned upside down and baby I apologize for any damage that may have caused you.

Amira: I'm confused daddy. What's going on?

Devale: Nothing. I've spent so much time putting things in place to make sure you're good that I never ask how you felt about the changes I made for you.

I switched your whole living situation in the middle of a school year, you have a new mom, two new siblings and you're hitting puberty. All that  thwn dealing with your surgeries, the accident, the outburst. Daddy just feels like I fucked you over baby.

Amira: I'm fine daddy. I needed a new mom and I wanted a new sibling and everything else is Khadeens fault so I just don't think about it.

Devale: Ok baby, you know daddy loves you a million times billion. I'll drown water for you!

Amira: I know daddy. Is everything ok with you and mommy?

Devale: Yes everything is fine, we're getting adjusted as well.

Amira: Daddy, what about Khadeen?

Devale: What about her?

Amira: When she comes to take me again do I have to go?

Devale: No. She doesn't have any legal rights to you at all. On paper your mother is Crystal in your heart your mother is Crystal right?

Amira: Yes, in her heart does she love me the same daddy? I know I really hurt her feelings and Duece is her real baby not me.

Devale: This sounds like something you need to talk about to a therapist baby. You know Crystal loves you, you know she is your mom through the good the bad and the ugly but sometimes you don't feel it. That's where therapy comes in at. In the meantime I will never ever have anyone around you who doesn't love you or would mistreat you. I know you don't believe that 100% because I kept forcing Khadeen on you and for that I apologize.

Crystal loves you and she isn't holding anything against you. You're a child baby. A very intelligent wise child but a child just the same. We both love you and we both want you to thrive. We don't want to force you into therapy but we both think it will be a good idea.

Amira: Is everyone going or just me?

Devale: Both.

Amira: Can I think about it?

Devale: Yes.

Amira: Cool, daddy we should have more daddy daughter time. You're pretty cool for an old man.

Devale: I'm old now, damn Mimi. I thought we was tighter than that.

Amira: Lol nope, Duece is your "main man" remember.

Devale: Ok you got me there, let's go before my favorite child realizes I'm gone.

Amira: Old and Funny...a double whammy!

Devale: I don't know how you got so much of Crystal in you in such a small amount if time.

When they got back time Crystal was playing with Duece watching some educational program for babies.

Mimi: Goodmorning mommy, I brought you a ice shaken expresso from Starbucks.

Crystal: Thank you sweets, how was breakfast with daddy?

Mimi: Good, we had fun after we talked about me going to therapy.

Crystal: Ok good, do you want to talk to a therapist?

Mimi: Yes, but I want you and daddy with me.

Crystal: Ok, where's your dad?

Mimi: In the kitchen making you breakfast.

Crystal: Aww, you bringing me coffee, your dad making breakfast. Yall must love me.

Mimi: A million times a billion mom.

Devale came up with breakfast, the four sat around the bed bonding.

Mimi: Mommy I taught Amerie how to sit up.

Devale: He is still a newborn he can't sit up yet.

Mimi: Uh huh, he is advanced. He looks 5 months old at two months. My merie smart just like him sister. Smile Amerie!

 Smile Amerie!

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