Party Time

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Amira: You were right Mommy, this dress is so pretty, I want it. It makes me look like a fancy teenager.

Crystal: I tried to tell you it's ok to go a day without wearing dunks. Your daddy be forgetting your a young lady not a little rockhead boy.

Amira: Daddy wants me to be tough like you mommy.

Crystal: It's about balance baby, I am tough but I'm also delicate. You're tough enough, you play every sport and you're smart and you're gentle as a newborn baby. It's okay to be both, does that make since?

Amira: Yes mommy, you play basketball with me and daddy but you also love to cook for us and have your spa days and dress like a fancy lady.

Crystal: Exactly, did you decide on what hairstyle you want for your party?

Amira: Daddy said I can't have weave, can I mommy?

Crystal: Mira you know you can't have weave and you also know what daddy says is final. How about a silk press, or a half up half down?

Amira: Ohhhhh a Silk Press, after we get all were done can we go to clairs. I have my own money.

It's been three days since Devale and I made it officially unofficial.  We decided to wait until after Amiras party to tell her. She got enough going on, and we have to explain to her why she has to move for a little while even though were going to be together AFTER he divorces Khadeen. I'm not ready for them tears. It's hard enough adjusting to the fact that my girl is about to be 11. I've been in her life since she was a sassy 7.

I'm not a fan of clairs at all, I gave her my debit card and kept a safe distance behind her. We came in this mall for a dress. She spent $80 in chairs, I spent another $60 getting her ears pierced then $120.00 at Finish Line. She had to have these baby blue dunks to pair with her dress. I won the dress and hair battle she can go barefoot as long as we're leaving this damn mall.

I facetimed her dad as we were walking out to see if he cooked or if I needed to grab takeout. We kept the conversation short. I knew he was trying to get her gift together while we were out.  Before I could hang up Amira ask to speak to him. "This is why she needs her own phone" I thought to myself. But Devale gives a hard no anytime I mention getting  her one

Amira made her way to coldstone, our last stop before heading home.
Neither one of us was looking when Khadeen and Kali walked up to us. I caught an instant attitude but didn't want Amira to catch my energy shift.

Khadeen: Where is your father. Kali look who going over and beyond there babysitter duties. Why does the babysitter have you out this late sweetheart.

Crystal:Don't play with me Khadeen and Kali I know you know better then to even look my way, that permanent forehead scar should remind you of what I'm capable of everytime you look in the mirror. Kali backed up, she didn't want to no problems.

Khadeen: This is her birthday weekend. She's going with me, I was just on my way to get her. Tell your babysitter goodnight.

Amira burst into tears, she didn't know what to do. She stood behind Crystal while still talking to Devale. "Daddy I don't want to go with her" Khadeen was reaching for her.

Crystal: Girl back the fuck up out my face. You know damn well she not leaving here with you. Amira stop crying it's nothing to cry about, let's go.

Khadeen: I'll call the police right now, you trying to kidnap my child.

Devale: Crystal ignore her and walk away, get my baby out of there. Amira baby relax ok.

Security comes to the scene. Because no one would calm down they called the police. The police told Crystal Amira had to go with Khadeen because Crystal has no legal rights. Since Devale wasn't on the scene it was nothing he could say to change the officers mind. The police made it clear that if she took Amira the police would be at her residence to arrest her within the hour.

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