Marriage Counseling 👩🏿‍🦯

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After Mimi said what she had to say Nicole asked Khadeen how does she feel about Amira not acknowledging her as a mother and the other things she brought up.

Khadeen: Amira doesn't get disciplined or have chores with him, he also gets her everything she ask for and always has. She's spoiled, she's picking the fun parent. This is his fault! I didn't drag her by her hair I just snatched her. She is exaggerating.

(Khadeen to Amira) Want to know the real reason your dad got his own house? It's because Crystal doesn't want kids, that's why. Once shes done with your father shes done with you too! You're MY child not hers, you belong to me! She deals with you because of your daddy, she wont be there when you need your mother. I WILL!

Amira: No that's the reason you dealt with me. She is my mother, I am her first priority even over my daddy. Last month my daddy was out of town when I got my period. I called you 11 times for help. When you finally answered you said you was busy and hung up. You still haven't called me back, thankfully my mommy helped me. That's something YOU should have been there for Khadeen not her!

Khadeen: Shut your mouth and open them ears. Listen to me baby girl you better enjoy your time with your "mommy" because once I get custody back you will not being seeing her EVER again! I gave birth to you and you will respect me I don't care who don't like it! As soon as I have this baby your coming home!

Khadeen to Devale: Don't you forget we got TWO kids together and we will share them BOTH equally or I'm not agreeing to a divorce.

Devale: Yo chill the fuck out, that ain't my kid and if it is then we will deal with it. As for Amira it's a wrap, ain't no communication after tonight.

Khadeen: We discuss that in marriage counseling next week..HUSBAND!

(Amira to Devale) Daddy I'm ready to go home.

Say goodbye to your grandmother and let's go.

Amira looked at her grandmother, then at Khadeen before darting her eyes to Ms.Nicole and silently walking out.

Devale: Do you want to talk about it?

Amira: No I'm fine daddy.

Devale: Want to go to out to dinner with me tonight. A daddy daughter date, we can go to clairs and the movies.

Amira: No thank you Daddy, I want to home.

Devale: Ok baby. You know you can always talk to me and your mom. It's ok if you're not ok baby.

Amira: I know daddy, I'm fine.

Devale facetimes Crystal she's on speaker, she's been waiting by the phone for 20 minutes past the hour. She was getting anxious, she hopped on the treadmill until she saw his face pop up.

Crystal: Hey babe, I was getting worried, how was it?

Devale: It was alright. I'm ready for this shit to be over with.

Crystal: What about Mimi?

Devale: She said she's fine babe, you're on speaker.

Amira: I'm ok TT, I'm sleepy I just want to go home.

Crystal: Ok baby, ill talk to you tomorrow and Devale call me back after yall get settled.

Amira: Daddy, can we stay at your house instead of my TT house until she gets back?

Devale: Yeah, we can do that.

Later that night after Amira is sleeping Devale catches Crystal up on the shit Khadeen was let fall out her mouth, Crystal was upset that she started to cry.

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