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Devale not making sure she made it back safely really upset Crystal and had her thinking about the parts of Devale she didn't know so well. She was his bestfriend and he would never mistreat her but she has witnessed him do petty things like this to Khadeen. Not only didn't he make sure she arrived safely but he didn't return any of her calls or text for the last three days. He finally texted her at 3am asking what time her flight landed but after three days she figured fuck that nigha.

Thankfully they weren't engaged,she wasn't pregnant. She could move on at any point. Amira is old enough to communicate without going through him. From now on it's her and her baby!

It's Saturday afternoon, Amira and Devale just finished a late breakfast and their Saturday chores. They are in the family room watching TV when Crystal arrives. Soon as Crystal walked in Amira noticed the tension immediately. She didn't say anything but it scared her.

Crystal: Hey baby

Amira: Hi Mommy, what's wrong?

Crystal: Nothing, I just missed you. I made us nails appointments. Go get dressed and let's go.

Amira: Ok, mommy can we go to F21 so I can use my gift card?

Crystal: Yeah we can swing by there after our nail appointment, hurry up ok. I'll be waiting for you in the car.

Amira ran off to get ready, Crystal turned to leave never even acknowledging Devale.

Devale: Crystal let me holler at you for a minute.

Crystal: Fuck you. I don't got shit to say to you.

Devale: Don't say shit you don't mean.

Crystal: I can show you better than I can tell you. I'll bring her back after dinner, enjoy your day.

She left out the door quick as she came. Five minutes later Amira came to the car and they left. Amira had an attitude and Crystal was over it. She was rude to the nail tech and being mouthy to Crystal.

Crystal: Michelle why are you being so crabby towards me?

Mimi: I'm not being crabby. You're being a hypocrite. I don't know why I'm the only one of my friends that can't have a belly ring. It's not fair, you have one.

Crystal: I'm an adult, you're 11. That's the answer, now what's the real problem Amira because you were rude to the nail tech and you know better. We're going home I don't like this nasty attitude thing you got going on today.

Mimi: But you said we could go to F21 to spend my gift card.

Crystal: What did I just say Amira? You don't get to act like that and be rewarded. Maybe I'll take you after you find the sense you lost but it won't be today.

Mimi: You're mad at daddy and you're being mean to me, you're taking it out on me and that's not fair.

Crystal: I'm upset with Amira and I'm taking it out on Amira! Do you really think your behavior today was appropriate?

Mimi: No ma'am.

Crystal: Me either, well try this again tomorrow, today we're going home.

When they first got home Amira was still upset, after Crystal made them lunch she was in a better mood. She found her mom in her recliner reading a book. She grabbed a throw blanket and crawled under her mom.

Mimi: I love you so much mommy. I'm sorry for being a brat and being rude today.

Crystal: I forgive you baby, we all have bad days. Are you ok now?

Mimi: Yes mommy, are you ok?

Crystal: Yes baby I'm ok. You want to watch some TV with me before I drop you off?

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