Close Call

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Sean talked to me my whole ride home, he had dinner and a bath ready when I arrived. I know Devale and Tyler feel some way that were back together but they don't know him like I do and honestly if it wasn't for Devale we wouldn't have had a issue to begin with.

Sean: Did you get any scenes completed before the outage?

Crystal: Yeah I finished all my scenes with KJ and Chris. Devale and I finished one, we have two we didn't get too.

Sean: Hmmm I didn't ask you anything about Devale? Is that a guilty conscience?

Crystal: I simply answered your question. What exactly would I have to feel guilty about?

Sean: You tell me, yall been back filming almost a week. I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't already found every excuse to be where you are. How many scenes do yall have together and Tyler knows your not doing any bedroom scenes right.

Crystal: Babe we can not go through this again. I am an actress, he is my costar, Tyler is my boss. I can't tell him how to write his shows.

Sean: Maybe you need to tell him that you're in a committed relationship and your uncomfortable playing wife with someone else's husband.

Crystal: I'm not lying to him to save your ego. It's entertainment Sean. Can we just change the subject.

Sean: Which part is the lie, the committed relationship or are you saying you are comfortable playing with someone else's husband.

Crystal: Fuck this, I'm going to take my bath and study. I'm am not even going to entertain you right now.

Sean: You can run from the conversation if you want, it will be right here when your ready because I'm not letting it go. We worked too hard to get back in a good place for your work husband to fuck it up in a matter of days.

Crystal: You're the one fucking it up Sean, let it the fuck go. You about to piss me off. I'm trying not to go there with you. Why are you so threatened by him?

Sean: I'm not threatened by him, I'm just pointing out the facts. I'm not stupid. You was either fucking him or fucking them both. I got eyes, I see straight through that "this family" post.

Crystal: Fine I fucked him, actually he fucked me. I let him fuck me whenever he wants. My body is addicted to him, you happy now? I can fuck him whenever I want, and I'm never going to stop. I use to just let him give me head whenever and wherever he wanted. After Evan left me I was his girlfriend we slept together 4 to 5 times a week until I met you. He let Khadeen cheat in peace to keep my satisfied. After I stopped sleeping with him until the night YOU beat me up. He fucked me that night, that's why he was leaving out when you were coming in the next day. Oh he got me pregnant once but I miscarried. He made be get on birth control once you were in the picture but made me promise not to let you nut in me. We had a sex scene yesterday, immediately after he came and fucked me in my dressing room in broad daylight while the rest of the cast was filming. If I wanted to I could call him right now and he would drop everything to see about me. Are you finally satisfied with the truth, can I take my shower and study please.

Sean: See now you just making shit up, you need to grow the fuck up.

Crystal: I see this was a mistake, we have been so good these past few months but I see now its because it wasn't any distractions. You want to control and baby as much as I love you it will never happen.

Sean: So what are you saying Crystal?

Crystal: I'm saying I want to take a hot bath, study and sleep.

Sean: You want me to leave because you can't be truthful.

Crystal: (starts to cry) I didn't say I wanted you to leave Sean, I just want you to stop. I need home to be my happy place, I want you to trust that work is just work.

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