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Crystal: Hello

Unknown: This is the Fulton County jail with a collect call from: Devale. Press 1 to accept the charges.

Crystal: Babe, what happened?

Devale: I'll tell you later, I need you to come bail me out.

Crystal: I'm on my way.

Soon as I walk in I hear Khadeen mouth running a mile a minute.

Khadeen: Of course you would run down here to bail him out. When are you going to stop running to his rescue? Aren't you sick of being his lap dog? I am still his wife I can handle his affairs.

Crystal: Obviously not to his liking since he always calls me to get the job done.

Khadeen: Whatever Crystal, you need to leave. His ass can sit for a while and think about why he always chooses violence.

Crystal: I'm not going anywhere Khadeen. Do you care to fill me in on what you're babbling about? If not stop talking to me, I've had enough of you for one weekend.

Khadeen: Ohhh you big mad? I bet you thought Sean was going marry you. Just like you think Devale is actually going to leave me? He is coming home with me after you bail him out dummy.

Crystal: Khadeen you talking real spicy but since unlike you I actually have a career to protect I'll let you have it but make sure you stand on all that because I'll be seeing you real soon.

I go sit over to myself waiting for him to be released. I'm incognito as I possibly can be but this is Atlanta and everywhere we go our faces are recognized.

Sean storms in yelling at Khadeen about additional charges should be filed and that Devale is a habitual offender.

It's only a few people in the lobby but one young lady goes live I hear her say: Tell me why I'm at the county bailing out lil tone and Devale Ellis wife down here with a man who trying to press charges on Devale. I think he beat the man up but Ion know what happened, he going off though, oohhh and it looks like she's pregnant with baby number 2.

Everyone around her looks over to Khadeen and Sean. Khadeen didnt acknowledge the lady she instead walks up to the counter asking how much longer until he is released just as Sean realized I was sitting there.

I'm sorry, please give me a chance to explain.

I made sure he saw me read and delete it. Devale walked out a few seconds later. Sean started causing a scene saying Devale assaulted him and is getting away with it because he is a celebrity. It looks like everyone in the lobby is live waiting to see what's about to happen next.

Devale looked at me, then away before grabbing Khadeens hand walking out with his wife.
She smirked at me like I was supposed to care. The same young lady was live again. She asked Devale if he beat that man up. "I did not lay one hand on that gentleman. This is all a misunderstanding. This gentleman has been stalkng my wife and coworkers for months, I pray he get the help he needs." Thank you.

An officer standing in the lobby told Sean he would be arrested for causing a public disturbance if he didn't stop causing a commotion.

I stayed behind for five minutes before making my way to my car. When I was about to pull off I heard someone jiggling the door handle.

Devale: How you leaving without me?

Crystal: My bad I thought you was riding with your wife since the fans was fanning.

Devale: Nah you should've known better, it was her that called the police on me.

Phone rings-

Khadeen: Devale why the fuck did you leave, do you care about me or this baby. I hope you are on your way home to your WIFE!

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