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After only seeing Devale 2x during the strike it was weird being around him consistently. I haven't slept with him since the first day of filming. We've got 10 days to go and then I'm free of him and all this awkwardness.

Today we lost power on set giving us a few hours of free time until the issue was resolved. I really wanted to run lines but I was starving.  Devale must have read my mind when he asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat and then run lines.

I knew better than to leave off set with him as our energy was unpredictable and I wasn't sure if I could take a car ride with his right  hand sliding up my thigh.

Crystal: How about we place a uber eats order and run lines here with the rest of the cast.

Devale: Whatever makes you comfortable.

I gave Devale a half smile before placing our order. We ran lines for an hour before the cast split off into different directions. Once it just Devale and I the energy became weird.

Devale: Why are you acting so nervous around me. Do I make you uncomfortable?

Not at all. I'm fine but I do have to get going. I'll see you when they call us back on set. I packed up my work bag and headed back to my trailer until Tyler gave the ok to take the rest of the day off.

I called Sean to talk to me during the hour drive back home. It took me a long time to forgive him for hitting me but I did. I trust he won't do it again, and I also think he understood that Tyler would make sure he didn't live to tell about it if he did.

I was so upset with Devale when Tyler "called me out the blue" to check on me the day after we fell out. He had told Tyler everything, if we hadn't already ended our friendship that would've done it.

As many secrets as I've kept for him, soon as he didn't get his way he pulls this.

Tyler however was my real friend, he didn't judge me or victimize me. He poured into me, reminded me of my worth and that it was my life and my decision on who I want to be apart of it. He also made it clear that if Sean blew a hair out of place he would have him killed no questions asked. The strike started that same week so we didn't have to adjust scheduling at all.

Neither Devale or I planned on going so long without speaking but one day turned into two that turned into 7 months. Khadeen sent a few fake text sometimes I would reply asking about Amira others times I would leave her on read. I never fully trusted her considering everything Kay did was very calculated, nothing was a coincidence.

I learned this after my ex left me the night before our wedding and married her bestfriend the following week.

I'm still convinced them meeting was somehow orchestrated by Khadeen. She always saw Evan as a threat to our "friendship" when really it was just I was tired of being the 3rd wheel. We were together so much that people assumed I was their girlfriend. She always said Evan gave her cheater vibes and it was just something about him that she didn't trust.

I will admit Evan and I moved from dating to engaged pretty quickly but that was mostly on his end. Looking back I can see why he felt threatened by the Ellises. He did come home a few times to find Khadeen in my bed in just her undressed but it was because we would often ride together and I wouldn't want her driving drunk alone so she would crash here. When she's drunk she gets clingy, and we both enjoyed cuddling together also we are both 100% strictly dickly so I was fine with it.

Once when Evan and I was having a heated argument he kept saying Khadeen is a snake and I won't learn until do some snake shit.

I confided that information to Khadeen, she was clueless as to why he would say that. She claimed Evan was jealous of our bond and wanted me alone and friendless where only he could have access to me.

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