It's Handled

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Amira looked at the text and rolled her eyes. See mommy now she won't stop and she's saying crazy stuff again.

Crystal: Again? What else she say.

Amira: That she tried to see me in the hospital and you wouldn't let her. I didn't respond but mommy if you would have let her see me I would be angry because she doesn't take care of me and I don't want her seeing me anyway.

Crystal: She won't message you anymore craziness, ill make sure of it sweets.

Devale woke up a little while later to see Crystal had ordered dinner and Amira was out her room. She was sitting with her grandparents in the livingroom watching Goodtimes while her mom and Buddy was on the patio getting some fresh air.

Devale: Why yall got baby watching this old shit, Mimi what you know about Goodtimes?

Mimi: Daddy I love this show, Penny and Wilona remind me of me and Mommy. I like the Jeffersons and Sanford and Son too daddy.

Devale: See now I can get with the Jeffersons. Where's Crystal?

Mimi: Outside with Buddy. She is making me a doctor's appointment because my arm is itchy.

Devale got up to go find Crystal. She was done talking to the doctor, she was just sitting there admiring her son. Devale went sat beside her kissing her cheek.

Devale: Hey baby, what yall doing out here?

Crystal: Look at him babe, I can't believe we really have a baby. How was your nap?

Devale: It was good, thanks for ordering dinner. She in there tearing that sushi up watching goodtimes with the old people.

Crystal: I wanted to give you the night off. I hate you have to do so much right now.

Devale: It's temporary and I can handle it. What the doctor say about her arm?

Crystal: We have to take her in tomorrow morning to check out her arm. I think she may have a bladder infection also.  I scheduled my appointment right behind hers to see if I'm healed enough to pick my son up. This shit is starting to get to me babe.

Devale: Please try not to let it, yall will be ok in a few weeks. We just have to get over this hump babe.

Crystal: But what if it's more tyan a few weeks babe, my daughter is in both physical and emotional pain and I don't know how to help her. We were extra careful my entire pregnancy just for my son to be born in chaos. Look at him, so innocent and perfect. He doesn't deserve a part time mommy niether of them do and babe you are doing so so much and not resting. It just makes me sad, I feel like a burden.

Devale: Baby you are my wife, these are my kids, as long as I have breath in my body I'm going to see to it that yall good. I won't lie it's a lot even with our parents help but we got help baby. You're not a part time mother, you are supplying all his needs. Babe you're breast feeding with broken ribs do you know how much strength that takes. Shit he only 9 days old, we will get there. Look at him, he living the soft life out here sleeping getting good sonshine with his mommy.

Crystal: You're right baby. We have to get him a name before "Buddy Ellis" goes on his birth certificate.

Devale: He is my Jr. He looks just like me, gone name him DJ and hope our next kid takes after you love.

Crystal: You need to go take another nap because your seeing things. He got your hairline and that it. I like CJ better because he definitely my twin baby daddy. Seriously though let's let his sister name him, she swear this her baby. You should have seen how good she was with him earlier, even with a cast on she figured out how to change his diaper. It was on a little crooked but she did it.

Devale: I think she would like that, babe I think you're right about getting  her some help about this though. She goes mute when I'm cleaning her face it breaks me to see my baby so sad. I see she's out her room so maybe she's feeling a little better.

Crystal: She told me she can tell it hurts you and she doesn't want to her you're feelings. She also let me know Khadeen keeps calling and messaging her on her iPad. She told her today if something happens to her I did it.

Devale: What the fuck. I'll handle it.

Crystal: No Devale, let her think she doing something. I'm handling her personally soon as I'm able.

Devale: No you're not. You gone focus on getting better that's it. You got it?

Crystal: I hear you.

Devale: Ok good, I think we need a change of scenery. How old does he have to be to fly?

Crystal: He can now but I'm not in the mood. I know Amira not either.

Devale: Bullshit that girl always down for a beach trip.

Crystal: No babe she isn't. I overheard her tell Shiya she looks like a monster. She would be saying yes for you, don't press her please.

Devale: Damn, what she say when you asked her about it?

Crystal: I didn't, she didn't tell me that herself. However I didn't tell her she's beautiful when she told me you feel bad she isn't pretty anymore. I had to pull everything out of her, she usually tell everything. I hate this shit babe.

Devale: Hey don't cry babe, please don't cry. I'll fix it ok. She'll be fine I promise.

Crystal: I know babe. Hand me that blue sleeper. I was in the middle of changing him when you came out.

Mimi: What yall doing?

Crystal: Just talking sweets, come sit with us. It feels good out here.

Mimi: Oooh Mommy can I do it?

Crystal: Of course.

Devale: Baby girl he needs a name, I was thinking since he looks like my name him Devale Jr, you agree baby?

Mimi: Bwhahahahahahahahha daddy stop playing.

Crystal: Hahaha see babe I told you he is my twin, ain't that right baby?

Amira: bwhahahaha no mommy he is only my twin. Ok ok he look like now when he chilling but he looks like mommy when he smiles. But I'm going to teach him everything so I want him to be name after all.of us.

Devale: Huh, what you trying to name my son.

Mimi: Let me ask him if he likes it before I tell tall.

Amira propped her brother in her arms and whisperd her name suggestion. He smiled at her making all three awwww in excitement.

Amira: He likes it! Ok so since he look like yall but clearly gone to be my Jr his name is....

Duece Amerie Ellis  💙

Vote, comment, discuss... I'm telling yall now Crystal and Khadeen gone have a face off real soon! Vote 👇🏾

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