
653 27 51

< A changlix story >

Felix gets changbin's number from his friend after developing a crush on the latter but even the friend who gave him the number knows nothing about him so he decides to get to know more about him...

and he ends up falling more and more



Ships :
Changlix ( ofc )


[ Jeongin and chan are both in the story but not not as a ship ]


Age :
Seo Changbin - 22
Lee Felix -21

Lee Minho - 23
Han jisung - 21

Hwang Hyunjin - 21
Kim seungmin - 21

Bang chan - 24
Yang Jeongin - 20


[ Other than chan and Minho, everyone is in college ]


This is all frictional and doesn't not apply to the them in real life so don't take it that way

Also not assuming any of the member's sexuality, ITS JUST A FICTIONAL STORY

And.. buff changbin so I can simp as I write, sry


~ Enjoy ~

| Changbinbuns |

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