Chapter 2:

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I avoided making eye contact with the man with black gorgeous hair and faintly red eyes, ugh! He was gorgeous.

"Y/n I'd like you to meet Gerard, Ray, Mikey, and Bob."

Gerard gives you a weird stare and then realizes "Hey, your the one who bumped into me."

As gazing down at his kind of wet shirt.

"Oh I'm really sorry"
as your blushing
"It's okay, you just owe me one now."
He smiles like an angel. Wow what an amazing guy.. Just wow.

// time skip to end of school //

walking home I decide to take a shortcut through an alleyway, listening to a good green day song noticing a figure out if the corner of my eye.
"What the fuck? Who's following me?"

I continue walking home. And the figure is closer I stopped completely with the figure right behind me.

As I turned around slowly next thing I know I'm pinned to the brick wall by my wrists making out with Gerard.

Gerard's POV:

I've been holding in my desperate need for her since she bumped into me.

So I followed her home.

I was gonna keep quiet and just stalk her but I couldn't contain myself, damn it. Next thing I knew I was making out with her in an alleyway.

Sliding my tongue into her mouth wanting entry but being denied sooner or later she just gave up. I could tell we both wanted each other by the way we made out.

Damn I want to fuck her senseless.. No!

Gerard your not like her, your a thirsty immortal being who could kill her and make her suffer like you did.. Like Frank and Ray and Mikey and Bob..


It's not going to be like this again.
I have to stop now.


I let out moans here and there as he bit my lip and slid his tongue deep into my mouth.

He moved down to my neck and kissed and bit me over and over.
Well now I probably have 5 hickeys.

But Gerard stopped. As he looked into the sky with his red eyes... I wonder.

"I have to go before I hurt you."

He ran away at inhuman speeds..

"I wonder about Gerard.."

Sorry for such a short chapter! It will get better in easing on to the tension!! How is it for my first Fanfic? Cx anyways I'll try and get chapter 3 up asap!

~ MyEmoRxmance

Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now