Chapter 13:

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Hey everyone!!
I am back from Warped Tour and it was awesome!!

I was honored to actually meet Pierce the Veil!!
If you want to see pictures and more of what happened visit my Instagram // @/shxy.way //

But anyways ENJOY THE STORY!!



Jaime looked at me saddened.

"You, have nothing else..?"

I put my hands in my short pockets.

I felt a chain.

A chain..?

I pulled the chain out of my pocket. It went out very long and a charm was at the end.

It was the same charm from the necklace the white haired man gave me. From the

Black parade.

It was the same exact thing. It had the brush font letters "MCR". I wonder what it meant.

Gerard's eyes widened.

"Y/N. Where did you get that."

"When I was dying a man with white hair gave it to me in a dream... I didn't think it was real.."

We both stared at the necklace and I looked back at Gerard.

"Why, what does this necklace mean to you?"

Gerard took the necklace out of my hand and dangled it in front of his face and began to tear up.

"My grandmother Helena, she gave this necklace to me when me and Mikey were trying to start the band and get the name. When we got the band named it and wrote our first albums she gave me this necklace. I'm just stunned that you have it."

I looked confused at Gerard.

"Why are you stunned I have it?"

"When she died I put it around her neck before they buried her."

Gerard began to cry. Then I began to cry. I grabbed Gerard and hugged him as we both cried in each other's arms. Jaime looked at us and mouthed "I'll come back later". He transformed and ran into the woods.


Me and Gerard laid in the grass. I think Gerard was asleep. I looked in the sky, a cloud was moving away from the sun. The cloud uncovered the sun and hit me and Gerard. We both screamed and got up and ran towards the woods.

My face was bleeding and Gerard's face was red. He wasn't in the sun as long as I was. He got up and looked at me and took his shirt off and wipe the blood off my face.

I put my hand on his chest and kissed him. He put his shirt back on. Another cloud came over the sun. A black wolf came from behind us and ran behind a tree in front of us and came back from behind the tree and there was Jaime. He walked up to us.

"Y/N could I borrow that necklace I promise I'll give it back."

Gerard gave him the necklace. Jaime had the ring and my earrings and my necklace in his hand. He closed his hand and grabbed my hand and put it a top his hand.

"Now Y/N. Think of the happiest memory you can think of and rerun it in your mind."

I think of the time when I first kissed Gerard. I ran that sensation and moment through my mind. Happiness came over me. I felt at peace again.

Gerard POV

Y/N stood still smiling and giggling. I went to grab her hand but Jaime stopped me, he mouthed "don't touch her.".

A glowing light was coming out of Jaime's hand. A moon crest glowed on the top of her hand.

Jaime looked at me.

"Gerard whatever happens when I remove my hand, don't touch her or help her."

I nodded.

Jaime then grabbed her hand and carefully removed it from his and he stepped away.

She opened her eyes and screamed. Her eyes were white. She grabbed her hair and ran and fell to her knees. She screamed.

"Gerard where are you going?!"

It was quiet and she screamed again crying her eyes out.

"Gerard what are you doing, why are you leaving with that girl!!??"

She cried some more.

"Gerard come back!"

She stood up and put her hand out going to reach something.

She then stopped crying. She fell to her knees and grabbed the grass and looked down at the grass. She made growling noises and groaned.

Her nails turned to claws and her ears moved upwards and to the top of her head and turned to pointy ears. He back legs shortened and her feet became paws. Her mouth and nose grew outwards to a snout and she bared sharp teeth. Her hands turned to paws and she was covered in white fur, a white wolf with red eyes.

She was a hybrid.

She bounced around and whined.

Jaime got close to her and cupped her wolf face.

"You need to calm down, I understand your afraid but you faced your fear and now your rewarded with your other form."

She calmed down and walked around it was strange seeing her in a wolf form. She looked back at Jaime. Jaime kneeled.

"Think of your happy memory."

She then ran behind a tree and came back as a human. She wobbled over to me and fell. I grabbed her before she fell. I sat her down under the tree. I sat next to her and she looked at me.

"Well, that was an interesting experience."


Soooo how did you like the hybrid wolfpire thing?


~ MyEmoRxmance <3

Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now