Chapter 8:

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Happy not to leave you guys in abandonment!!
So I don't know where this story is gonna go. Sorry if this chapter sucks but here you go ENJOY!!!

~~ Y/N POV ~~

"G-Gerard?? W-What's wrong with my eyes? They look red and my hands th-"

"Y/N. I've been meaning to tell you. I was to scared to tell you in the beginning. I thought you would run away like everyone else."

Gerard closed his eyes and tilted his head up. His hair began to lift up. His mouth opened and he had sharp fangs and he opened his eyes and looked at me. They were red and black.

"Y/N, I'm a vampire. Along with Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob. And now your a Vampire too. Your hunger should start setting in and we need to get you human blood to feed on."


My whole body shivered.

"Yeah. You need to feed now."

We go outside Gerard speeds away. And I stand their amazed. He speeds back to me.

"Think that your going fast and then just walk."

I do as he says and next thing I know we're in the alleyway, were our magic happened.

We stand hiding in the shadows and then I see a girl walking.

As soon as I see her I think


Gerard's POV

When the girl walked by her eyes turned black and red except a lot darker and more red. Her fangs came out.

They were so tiny.

They were so adorable.

But she had something none of us had.

Bottom fangs.

I know for a fact that if you have bottom fangs your more of a deadly vampire. It must be since I bit her so many times with all the venom in her system. I guess we'll have to find out how deadly.

She was breathing heavily. And her nails were a ton longer.

She was ready to rip her heart out.


As soon as I said that she ran towards the girl and dug her nails into her throat and lifted her up into the air.
She walked her to the wall in the alley and she dug her nails in deeper and ripped her lymph node out and shattered the upper part of her spine.

God damn.

She dug her fangs into the artery sucking her blood all out.

My jaw dropped. I have never seen a new born vampire be so violent on their first kill in my entire life.

She walked back over to me with blood all over her face. Her eyes were still red and black. She looked as if she were going to cry.

"I my hunger is gone but I feel so empty. And dead."

She put her hand on her heart and began to cry.

I put my hand on her hand and wiped her tears.

"Things are gonna get better Y/N. I promise."

I kissed her on her cold lips. And picked her up bridal style and ran back to the house at the front porch I looked into her eyes, which were still red and black.

"I love you and don't you forget it ever."

I kissed her again.

I put her down and held her hand as I opened the door.

Y/N hid behind me so who ever was in the living room couldn't see her.

It was dark I could see Franks eyes glowing. And then I saw his entire face when he puffed in his cigarette.

"So Gee, you finally listened to me, and got rid of her."

Y/N pulled back and hid to the side of the doorway and I walked in and she stayed outside and listened.

Frank got closer to me. And began to loosen my tie.

"Now that she's gone. We can finally try again."

Y/N sped and tackled Frank and pinned him to a wall. And she growled at him.


He looked terrified at her. Her nails dug into his wrists and she threw him across the room with his wrists bloody.

His eyes got red and black and he hissed at her. Frank was like me, he didn't have claws like Y/N or bottom fangs. But he didn't realize she was more powerful than him.

Frank charged at her.


He tackled her but she threw him across the room and clawed his face and punched him 4 times. He laid on the floor for a minute in sort of pain.

She walked over to me and stole my cigarettes out of my pocket and my lighter and went on a walk.

I'll follow her secretly.


got Gerard's smoking shit. I was in tears again. What a train wreck I am.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't care.

I stopped at the same bridge where I died.

I sat on the sidewalk. And cried and smoked my cigarette. I took the cigarette and dropped it.

I was too busy crying. I pulled up my sleeve and took the lighter and burned my arm with it. I drop the lighter. I stand up and go to the liquor store. I get a bottle of vodka and show my fake ID. I go back to that same spot on the bridge and chug the vodka and pass out on the concrete.

-Side Note-

In my opinion vampires can get drunk and pass out from being so hung over.

I awake in Gerard's bed.

With just a sheet over my naked body.

I look over and see Gerard nude as well passed out. And I look on the floor next to him seeing Frank passed out with his boxers at his knees and with a bottle of vodka in his hand. I thought to myself.

Drunk Threesome?


I lay on Gerard's chest.
He is out.

I play with his messy hair I love his black hair.

He wakes up.

"Morning Y/N"

"Morning, Gerard, I got a question. Did Frank... Uh join us last night?"

He looks on the floor and try's to wake Frank.

The only thing that comes out of his mouth is

"Duuude, mega threesome last night, your girl knows how to make you happy. Hahah."

I stare at Gerard. Blushing a lot.

"Do you remember anything Y/N?"


"We'll let me tell you, Frank is right."


So I made a really long chapter to makeup for the absence of me writing.

I hope you likes it!!



Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now