Chapter 18:

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Gerards POV

I couldn't believe my eyes on what I saw!

I was pissed off at Y/N for doing that. With my fucking brother!

"Y/N why where you with Mikey?! What the fuck is your problem!!"

She stands up and her eyes go red and black

"MY PROBLEM?! Oh I'm sorry but I'm not the one who cheated on my girlfriend for some kinky sex with a guy!!"

I was hoping the door was still locked. That's why she's mad..

Y/N tears up and begins to cry and runs out the front door. I go to run after her but she's gone.

I've fucked up terribly.


I ran as fast as I could. I just simply didn't want to live anymore. My boyfriend doesn't love me anymore. He loves Frank clearly. The best thing that I think could have happened to me is the worst thing that could have happened to me. I just want this sick dream to end.

I hit the bridge where I was turned. I go past it a bit and jump the fence past the bridge and go down under the bridge to cry. It was a flat area covered in graffiti. I lay down at the flat area and sob.

I then feel a hand on my back. I turn around to see Frank. He smiles at me. As soon as I see him I begin to cry more into my arms but still being able to see his face.

He pulls his hand back terrified to get me upset. He folds his arm and grabs his forearm. He says a low and sad.

"I'm sorry.."

"What do you mean Frank? What do you even want from me."

"Listen I know you think it's Gerard's fault but its not. The drug I gave you has hallucinations where it makes you overly horny and want to fuck everyone. I gave you one so you would be distracted too.

In the beginning we just had a threesome like last time.

. But I was drunk and I just wanted Gerard to myself..

So then we added Mikey into the picture and that was a thing for a good hour, then he wanted out and it was back to us three..

And then I said to Gerard I just wanted him and he dropped you off downstairs and Mikey must of took advantage also...

I'm so sorry.."

Frank hugs me tightly, I could tell it meant a deep and meaningful sorry.

"Frank were you drunk also?"

"Haha, funny story actually. I was really fucked up on cocaine and had a shit ton of vodka.. Like I said I'm so sorry.."

"We'll at least I know it wasn't really yourself doing it, I should get back to the house and apologize to Gerard for getting mad at him. One more question Frankie.. Did Gerard send you here to talk to me..?"

"No I came on my own, I saw him on the floor sobbing.. So we should get back."

We both sprint home. We open the door and there are beer bottles smashed everywhere and Mikey was in the corner crying. His head was bleeding and his glasses were crushed and cracked. He also had glass stuck in his leg.

I run over to Mikey.

"Oh my god Mikey!! What happened? Are you alright?!"

He nodded his head no he too his hand out of his shirt revealing a gun shot wound.


Frank dials 911.

I'm crying my eyes out wanting Mikey to be okay.

"M-Mikey.. Who ddid this to yyou? M-Mikey please.. Tell me.."

He points his bloody finger to the front door which was left open and mumbled.

"G-Gerard... He.."

Mikey's eyes begin to shut.

Frank and I were both crying.
Frank grabs Mikey's hand and cried.

"Mikey please, I've known you for so long. Please buddy.. You have got to be okay.. Please we shared so many memories.. It's not your time to die please Mikey!!"

Frank sobs on his shoulder and kisses his forehead.

Mikey's head droops lifelessly and his eyes roll back to his skull.

He is dead.


The ambulance takes Mikey's body away. They said they would contact Belleville's funeral home. I requested Mikey to be buried next to his grandmother Elena.


My head is rested on Frank's shoulder we were both smoking cigarettes on the curb. I lifted my head up. Looked at the woods Mikey pointed to. Gerard's where abouts were unknown. The only piece of valued information we have?

Gerard pulled the trigger on his own brother.


So shots have been fired. Shits about to go down.

Feedback? ~<3


Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now