Chapter 21:

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Gerard's POV:

I awake to Y/Ns face crying. I was so dizzy and in pain. I couldn't speak I was just frozen. She kissed me on the lips and was crying so bad. Next thing I know I'm in a white room. I black out and all I see is darkness.


I awake. Inhaling the oxygen being fed to me. I look around and see an X-ray board with a ribcage and broken ribs, must be mine. I look to side of me and Y/N has her hand entangled with mine and is asleep on my legs.

I run my hand through her hand and kiss her hand. She wakes up.

"Gee! Your finally awake.. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just my body hurts a bit..."

She points at the X-rays

"Well you did break 3 ribs"

"Well maybe that's why."

"How long was I out for?"

Y/N made a nervous look as she ran her hand through her hair and bit her lip.

"You were kind of in a coma for a good week.. But Frank was saying when you wake up you should be all healed since your a vampire."

A tall man walks in, he has a huge ass forehead.. Five head maybe.. His name tag says Doctor Urie.

"Oh good your awake from your coma!"

He unplugs a machine hooked to me and takes a needle out of my vein. I internally scream, I'm fucking terrified of needles. He plops my clothes on the bed and looks at his clip board.

"Okay Mr. Way, your free to go you just need to see Grace at the desk over there and fill out some paper work and you're good too go."

He smiled and walks away. I change into my New Years Day shirt <aAriorrorx lol> and skinny jeans.


Y/N walked out of the hospital. I inhaled the stuffy outside air.

"Y/N we need to get something to eat. Now"

She nods and we both sprint away into the woods. Belleville wasn't that far away. While sprinting I heard clumpy footsteps. I stopped and sprinted to them.

A deer.

I tackle the deer ripping it's throat out and suck it dry. Damn I was thirsty.

We sprint back to the house. Ray and Frank are both sitting on the couch. Where's Mikey?

They both look at me in pain and looked like they had have seen something horrible.

Frank gets up and walks to me and hugs me.

"Frank, where's Mikey.. I want to see my baby brother."

He turns away from my face and closes his eyes and breathes out while beginning to cry.

"He's..he's.. Dead."

No. It couldn't be possible. No I won't believe it.

"No... Mikey."

I ran upstairs to his room screaming his name while crying. I plop onto his bed and grab his pillow. I scream and cry. I wanted Mikey. He's dead.. No... Mikey..




Sorry for the short chapter :P

But anyways thanks so much for 5k views!!

~MyEmoRxmance <3

Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now