Chapter 9:

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Gerard's POV

Frank is still drunk, he got up and walked out of the room and shut the door.

I stratal of her and kiss her forehead and then her lips as she runs her hand through my hair.

"We have school Y/N."

"Your like a hundred years old why do you even go?"

"My moms condition for living in her house"

"Oh okay."

She looks around for her clothes and are nowhere to be found. She walks to my closet and grabs my misfits shirt and her skinny jeans and puts them on.

I put on skinny jeans and a my other misfits shirt.

She looks at me.

"You got any eyeliner?"

I toss her my eyeliner. She takes it and smudges it and draws wings.

That's adorable.

I take it and smudge it.



Gerard and I make our way out the door.

I put one hand outside and it burns like hell.

"Fucking Hell!!"

Frank tosses me his fingerless gloves.

"You gotta cover up. Or the sun will burn you like holy water on a demon."

"Thanks Frank. I'll give them ba-"

"Keep them I got like 50 pairs."

"Oh then really thanks, what's the occasion?"

"For pleasuring me last night."

He winks and speeds out the door.
I look at Gerard in such stunned look.

He looks back at me.

"I guess you made him happy."

I giggle.

I find my sweatshirt and put it on along with my belt strangle hung on the railing of stairs.


Me and Gerard both put our hoods up and grab hands. My eyes weren't red and black. But they were still red.

I guess Gerard doesn't care about his color "
He pulls out a tiny box and hands it to me.

I open it and it's a ring with 2 skull hands making a heart with a red gem in the middle and has Y/N engraved in the inside of the ring.

"Gerard!! Oh my God thank you so much!!"

"I knew you'd love it, everyone that's in our vampire family gets a ring with a skull with batwings and their name engraved in it. But I had yours specially made."

I hugged him and kissed passionately on the lips. He kissed me back.

We continued to walk to school.

Gerard's POV

When we got to art a clique of girls was staring us down. I was nervous I know what Y/N was capable of after her feed last night.

Speaking of feed.

Shit. She hasn't fed in 2 days.

I didn't know if she had noticed it yet.


Lunch was different. The football players sat on the other side of the lunchroom. But these clique girls sat then table next to us.

They were annoying as fuck.

Pretty soon they got on Bob's nerves.

Bob took this girls chair as she was going to sit down she fell onto the floor. Then she went up to Y/N who was cuddling in my chest. Clearly in pain.

The girl sat down next to Y/N.

Y/N slowly turned her head around a little bit.

"Please go away."

"Or what? What are you going to do?"

She goes to put a hand on her.

"Don't Fucking touch me!"

"Or what? You weak little bitch even your boyfriend is wea-"

She pushes her to the wall and puts her in a choke hold. Her eyes go red and black. Her fangs extend out.

"When I say.



Touch me.

I mean it."

She digs her fangs into her neck ripping her lymph nodes out immediately killing her. And she sucks the blood clean out of her.

Everyone stares and screams as soon as they see Y/N's bloody face.

I couldn't help myself either I share the girls neck with my girlfriend.

When we finish we both stand up and look at each others bloody faces and stare and both burst out laughing.

I love her so much.


So excluding this a/n this chapter is 666 words long.


But anyways.



Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now