Chapter 14:

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So I've been busy lately

Terribly sorry I couldn't update the story!

But I'll try to write a long chapter!!



Gerard's POV

She looked very tired as she plopped onto my legs.

He face was stained with tears and her eyeliner had run. I run my hand through her hair and kiss her on the forehead. I looked in her eyes and they looked grey and depressed like she has seen something she cannot not un-see.

"Y/N, when you were calling my name, and telling me not to leave... What happened exactly... You can tell me what you saw.."

She looked away from me as she wiped a tear. She sat up and looked away from me.

"Gerard I saw you leaving me for someone else... I couldn't tell who it was. I think it was a girl. I couldn't tell. But when I asked where you where going and why you were leaving..."

She began to cry more.

"You came up to me... And beat me.. And you laughed... It hurt I felt the pain.. And I felt the pain of depression coming back.. And me...

Killing myself."

She cried a a lot. I grabbed her and hugged her. Not letting her go, she cried very hard. I grabbed her hand as she rested her head on my shoulder.

I looked into her eyes.

"I would never, even think of beating you in a sporting manner. And I will never leave you. You are the reason I'm living right now. And if you killed yourself, you still wouldn't be alone..."

She was tearing up.

"Gerard... I didn't know you had those feelings about me... I di-"

"Y/N, I don't like you. I love you."

She looked at me stunned. Knowing I meant it.

"Gerard, I love you too."

Sure we've said, 'I love you' back and forth. But this was different. This took us to a whole new level. This meant we were a serious couple.



Jaime left us for a good 4 hours.

Gerard and I were staring at the sun coming down and hitting the trees. We both were laying in the grass.

I was cuddled into Gerard's chest and he was holding my hand.

Nothing could ruin this moment.

Gerard sits up, looking frightened.

I sit up as well facing him.

"Gerard, what's wrong? Do you hear something?"

"I hear patters but they don't sound like human feet."

His eyes widen.


We both get up but we're too late.

A wolf comes trotting up to us and then it's Vic.

He grabs Gerard collar on his shirt.

"What do you think your doing here."

Vic looks over to me. He lets go of Gerard and walks over to me. He stands in front of me and looks at me head to toe.

"Your one pretty hybrid. That's for sure."

Gerard gets furious. He goes to walk over to me but Tony is holding him back.

Vic walks around me as I'm perfectly still, I didn't know weather to be scared or in rage.

"Vic you touch her and your dead. A guarantee."

"Really now Way? What if I do this."

Vic's hot lips crash into my cold lips. My eyes widen I didn't have a reaction I was too afraid to do anything. I was shaking. Vic then grabs my hand and puts in his pants forcing me to grab his length as he puts his hand in my panties. I was in shock. I couldn't move and Gerard could see it in my eyes. He tried to escape from Tony and Mike's grasp but he was being held back.

I didn't know what to do I was in shock and I was scared. All I could think of was.

Help me.

Gerard's POV

Y/N couldn't move, she was too scared too move. I had to help her.

Then I see a opportunity to help her.

I extend my nail out and claw Tony with my nail then drawing blood.

Y/N bites Vic's tongue and puts Vic into a choke hold. She picks him up and throws him really far. Then she gets on her knees. She is crying again. I pick her up and carry her home.

She just has been sexually abused.


So a pretty depression chapter..


Feedback? X3

~MyEmoRxmance <3

Vampires Won't Hurt You, My Darling [Reader x Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now