~craigs pov~

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I stood agains the lockers waiting for my boyfriend, tweek, I shuffled the blue chullo hat on my head carefully tucking my black hair from sight. Different people convocations flooded my ears as I pushed myself up. Where the hell is tweek at? I thought to myself as I began to wander up the corridor. I felt myself become worried. Where is he? What if something happened to him? He's normally out by now? I continued to walk up the corridor nerves growing in my stomach threatened to escape as a familiar voice filled my ears.


We both stumbled forward, but luckily I stop us from falling. I turned to look at him, messy blonde hair, green shirts (still not buttoned correctly), pale blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean on a summer day. He pulled my from my thoughts was he held on to my shoulders and shook me. 'Craig! Are you gonna answer me or what?' He looked at me with a concerned yet annoyed look on his face. 'Huh? Oh sorry babe, uhm what did you say?' Awkwardly tilting my head as a blush spread across my face. How long had I been staring at him? Eh doesn't matter. ' so what I was saying was. Would you like to go out after school? Like a date i guess.' He asked looking down nervously fidgeting with his hands. I grabbed his hands in mine. 'Is that even a question tweek! Of course I do!' Practically shouting now he starting giggling at me and we turned in unison to walk down the hallway but stopped. Oh shit. 'TUCKER GET HERE RIGHT NOW!!!' His voice shook the walls as he stormed towards me. Everyone's conversations turned to hushed whispers and confused looks our way. He stopped in front of us. I turned to tell tweek to leave, as he hated seeing me get in fights. I felt someone grab my arm. 'Who do you think you are!!!!!!' The voice yelled back at me. The unmistakable voice of the one and only. Eric cartman, the school fatass, narcissist. What ever you wanted to call him. 'Uhm craig tucker?' I responded tilting my head to look down at the fat boy that was currently throwing a fit. I don't even know what I did this time. For real! 'EH DONT TRY THAT SHIT WITH ME R*TARD!' He screamed back at me. Yep saw that one coming. I slipped my hand out of tweets and let it want to my side. 'What did I even do this time fatass!' I shouted back. 'Uhm did you forget already! Yesterday! The brownies!' He spat back at me. As his fords left his mouth I had to bite my tongue to not laugh. He's really gotten all worked up over that! He has enough brownies in his house to feed every human in USA 4 potions!

~1 week ago~
Me and tweek walked down the hallway hand-in-hand as usual. We made casual conversation about whatever came to mind when we saw cartman, stood by the lockers being shouted at by Kyle. I chuckled to myself as the thought sprung to mind. I untangled my hand from tweek and pulled us clasper to the side. So we were closer to the two of them. Now closer we could see that cartman had a freshly just baked this morning brownie in his hand. That's gonna make my plan even better. as we walked past them I shook my arm out and taped cartman on the arm. Not hard it didn't hurt him but he did get caught if hard and the brownie fell to the floor. As me and tweek sped up to get away from cartman who was already throwing a tantrum and screaming at anyone and everyone I heard Kyle laughing at him. maybe he isn't so bad after all.

~present time~

'Oh for fucks sake cartman, it was a brownie. Stop making a fuss!' I argued back to him. This was getting tiring now. I couldn't be bothered to deal with him as he started shouting in unrecognised words. I grabbed tweek a hand and we continued on to our next class. I can't wait for our date tonight.

Uhm so Ik like no one reads these and I'll put TWs at the beginning if there is any and this is my first story. I WILL TRY TO POST UPDATES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!!!!
I have motivation issues aha and absolutely so sence of how much I write sorry if it's a lot. This is also my first story and it's probably really cringe. Like. Really cringe.
Ty for my bestie for helping me w ideas
Have a great day/night/evening <333333

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