~Kyles Pov~

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Echoes of the alarm rang through my ears as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Bright lights staining the floor as I stood up and walked over to my closet. I picked out some of my clothes and pulled my hat over my hair. I carefully tucked my hair underneath the green hat so it wasn't showing. I hate my hair so much. But I look even worse with it cut so I just hide it. I shake my head to myself and grab my bag pulling it up over my shoulders and flicking the light switch off. I closed my door and walked down the stairs. 'Kyle! Come get breakfast!' My mother called from the kitchen. I groaned internally and sighed 'I'll just eat at Stans house!' I replied rushing out the door and starting my way to Stan's house. My head felt cloudy and aches as I walked down the street towards his house. Stopping outside his front door I shaded my eyes with my hands. Before I could even knock on the door, it swing open and a tired, sleep deprived looking boy opened the door. 'Stan are you okay? You look exhausted!' I asked stepping inside his house. He flashed me a quick smile 'yeah just didn't sleep well last night I'm alright!' He replied turning away and pulling me with him into the kitchen. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and I couldn't quite figure out why. I wasn't scared, it was Stan. He was my amazing best friend that would help me with anything, thought of other people over himself, and would never hurt anyone for any reason, he's so nice- wait what the hell am I thinking. I'm not gay. Stan's not gay. What's happening to me. I thought to myself as me and Stan ate breakfast together and watched YouTube together. After we finished eating we stood up and left his house to the bus stop. Before we even reached the bus stop I could hear Kenny and butters happily chatting together though I couldn't tell what about. We immediately ran up to them and joined in the conversation. After a few minutes we heard cartman shouting to us. I guess the fun had to end at some point. 'Hey guys, oh great the Jews also here I thought you would have been like dead or something.' Cartman laughed rolling his eyes at me. 'Why would I be dead exactly?' I replied. Stan instinctively grabbed my hand. Was that because he just wanted to hold my hand. Or was he stopping me from launching myself at cartman and attacking him. Probably the second one but I somehow found myself hoping it was the first. 'Because you probably died because you don't bloody eat anything.' Cartman snickered and went back to eating from a bag of candy. I rolled my eyes and didn't bother answering, but I kept hold of Stan's hand. I found my felt not wanting to let go of his hand. He smiled gently at me and squeezed my hand. 'You calm now?' He whispered to me. I had tuned out of whatever cartman was doing now. Only to realise that Kenny was now punching the shit out of him. What even happened. I let my hand slip out of Stan's the cold air battling for control with the warmth as I felt my pale skin flush red. I looked at the ground and fiddled with my hands. Not paying any attention to kenny butters and cartman. What is going on with me? Do I have a crush on him? No I can't have a crush on him. He's still in love with Wendy. Right. But what if. What if he didn't still like her. What if he liked me too. But he doesn't because I don't like him! I was pulled from my thoughts as the buss pulled up and butters dragged Kenny onto the bus leaving cartman a bloody crying mess on the floor. I looked up and smiled gently at Stan as we climbed up into the bus and sat at out usual seat on the bus. Once we sat down Stan grabbed his headphones from his bag and began to listen to his music while I gazed out the window. White scenery blurred by while thoughts of Stan flooded my mind. I was once again pulled from my thoughts by Stan tapping my back. I turned around to face him. 'Hm?' I hummed in response. He offered a second pair of headphone. 'Wanna listen with me?' He asked shyly. 'Sure' I respond and grab the headphones and we listen to music together in silence. I really don't want to go to school today. But at least I get to sleep over at Stan's on Friday! I can't wait. The buss screeched and we took the headphones off and exited the bus. It was then that I realised cartman wasn't there. He got on the bus? Oh whatever. That doesn't matter. 'I hate Mondays! We only have like 2 classes together!' Stan complains to me as we walk through the halls our conversation merging with others. 'I know! Meet me at the bathrooms at lunch?' I replied.
'Yep sounds good to me.' Stan says smiling at me. My heart beat picked up. His smile was so. What's the word. Fucking adorable? No why does this keep happening. I don't like Stan. Stan doesn't like me. End of story. We entered the class room and our teacher is trying to get everyone to be quiet. I look around the classroom my eyes narrowing at the empty desk that usually held cartman. He wasn't there. This can only go bad. He's definitely planning something. But that doesn't matter right now.

~after school~
Me and Stan walked back hime together laughing about the dumb shit that happened at school. Once we reached his house we waved goodbye. Once he closed his door and was safe from the cold. I felt empty without him there to walk next to me and keep me company from the harsh reality. Pushed my hands into my pockets and walked back to my own house. I just can't wait for the weekend so we can sleep over. I entered my house and walked into the living room as a message appeared at the top of my phone screen. Craig? Why is he texting me? Oh well. I sit down on the couch and text him back.
Craig: hey Kyle?
Craig: you were acting kinda weird today you okay.
Me: Yh I'm fine, uhm. Could we maybe meet up after school tomorrow I need to ask you some erm questions.
Craig: Yh that's fine. Meet after school round the back?
Me: Yh
Craig: ok bye then
Me: bye.
I exerting the app and exhaled. Maybe I'll finally find out the truth.
Do I have a crush on my best friend Stanly Marsh?

____________________________________yayyyyyyy long part lmao. The next park will prob be a bit shorter bc it will prob just be Kyle and Craig talking abt well. Kyle having a crush on Stan and all that jazz. Over 1000 words lmao well done meeeee.
Have a great day/night/afternoon.

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