~Stans Pov~

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I stood there frozen. I felt my whole body tell me to run and save him. Kyle was lairs on the floor blood dripping from his mouth with cartman on top of him pushing down on his neck. His eyes looked desperately at me. Clawing at my brain I wanted so badly to run and help him. I felt my heart ache for him, but I was to scared to move. Eventually he stopped struggling and lied flat on the floor. It was then that I got the confidence to run. I grabbed cartman by the hair and threw him as hand as I could. Kyle still didn't move. All the voices blurred into noice as I ran forward. I picked him up, his limp body falling over my shoulder. He was cold to the touch and completely unresponsive. 'Kyle... it's okay, y-you can wake up now...' I say rubbing his back. He still said nothing. I felt a hand on my arm and someone pulling me back away from him. I now noticed the dark purple bruise like look to his arms as he con tinued to lay flat on the floor. This was most noticeable against his pale skin. I could hear people running away screaming and people talking on the phone, but most horrifying, people shouting that he was dead. 'No... my best friend can't be dead..' I whispered into Kenny as he hugged me tightly. 'I'm so sorry...' he says gently, I begin to cry uncontrollably. I stared back at the many people now crowded around the ginger. Our other friends ran over and joined into the hug. It was that moment that my whole world died. My heart left shattered. My everything was gone. 'I never even told him how much I loved him.' I sobbed as Kenny's grip tightened. 'Stan...?' My did this have to happen to me. 'Stan.' My only best friend the only one I trusted and he was gone. 'Stan?!' I felt someone shaking me. 'K-Kenny stop it....' I cried. 'I'm not Kenny Stan wake up...' a soft voice replied. I sat myself up and the worlds between the broken park and my lonely bedroom. Kyle's big green eyes looked back at me. Filled with concern and confused. His ginger curls falling in front of his eyes. His hands were lied gently on my arms as he held onto me. I could still feel the warm yearns falling down my cheeks. I fell forward and sat there with my head on his shoulder as he ran his hands through my hair. After I sat back up rubbing me eyes, his pale lips parted like he was going to speak. 'You can go back to sleep, I only woke you up because you were crying, are you okay by the way?' He says softly untangling his cold hand from my hair. I looked down awkwardly as I felt myself blush. God why does he have to look at me like that! 'I'm fine.' I respond shyly to him as we both later back down.

____________________________________hello! How y'all doin? Anyways sorry for not updating yesterday it was my bday there also won't be an update tmmr as well as it's my bday party. And don't worry Kyle's not dead. OBVIOUSLY. It was a dream he's alive don't worry. Anyways sorry for the short chapter next one will be longer I promise anyways,
Have a wonderful day/night/evening.

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