~Craig Pov~ (valentines day special 🩷)

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My sister stared at me as I paced around my kitchen muttering quietly to myself. "What the hell are you doing Craig?" My sister says spooking up at me either bored or annoyed. Her neat ginger hair falling down her sides. "I don't know what to do for tweek for Valentine's Day tomorrow." I say shyly as I watch her expression change. "Oh okay, well aren't you just the best boyfriend ever." She laughs in a sarcastic voice. "Shut up!" I shout back at her and storm into my room completely ignoring my parents shouting at me asking what I was doing. I ran into my room and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I sigh, I can't just pretend like I didn't know because everyone I had ever known was posting pictures of surprises for there partners. Even my parents wouldn't stop going on about it, and I really didn't wanna upset tweek making him think I didn't care enough to remember. I groan and sit back on my bed. I eventually decide to just call Kenny to see if he knows what to do. The phone rings for what seems like forever before Kenny finally answers the phone. "Craig?! Why are you calling me at 10 at night!" He practically shouts and I can hear butters laughing. Oh dear god what did I just interrupt? "Uhm I don't know what to do for tweek tomorrow." I say finally after shaking the thoughts of what could have taken Kenny so long to answer this late at night. "You what. You haven't got anything planned? Okay okay let me guess. You decided to wait for him to ask you and only just realised he would be to anxious to do that an hour ago and now you have no idea what to do so you called me." Kenny says and I can practically hear the snarky tone like he somehow knew the whole story before I told him. "Yeah how did you know." I answer and he sighs. "Uhm.... Why don't you two just have like.... Set up your living room or something and make it look nice and just watch movies and stuff all night. I'm sure it'll be fine." Kenny says finally and I think for a moment before agreeing and hanging up the phone without even giving him a chance to reply, but now. There's just one slight problem. I really. Really don't want to decorate the living room. And I truly can't be bothered but then I see a notification on my phone. I pick up the phone and I'm truly confused as to how Kyle somehow knows about the conversation I just had with Kenny.
Ginger: are you gonna do what Kenny said or do you want me and Stan to come help?
Me: how tf do you know abt that?
Ginger: Kenny told us
Me: oh okay but I'm gonna do what he said I just cba
Ginger: oooh~ okay I'm bored anyways I'll come and help you decorate if you want.
Ginger: K  r there in ten
Me: okay
I sigh and sit there and wait for Kyle. Just from the way he's texting I can already tell he's gonna be way too energetic for me. In the exact ten minutes I'm waiting for Kyle I'm gathering a bunch of stuff to decorate. My mother has to practically drag my dad up the stairs so he doesn't yell at me. Eventually Kyle knocks on the door and I internally groan and hope he can't tell I don't wanna deal with him being a hyper for whatever reason. "Hi! Sorry i have too much energy because Stan gave me way too many sugar and strawberries." He says without any warning dragging me into the living room and he immediately starts putting up all the stuff. I just stand there and watch him not really knowing what to do. Eventually he finishes and leaves and I head to bed after texting tweek to come to mine for dinner tomorrow.

~tommorow/ creek movie night~
I feel nerves in my stomach as I shyly open the door immediately feeling warm arms around me. We then walk into my living room and turn on the movies I had planned. I had also since grabbed stripe and had placed him on the sofa next to the two of us. After a while of watching movies I start to feel my eyes getting heavy. I then lean my head onto tweek a shoulder and I feel him start smiling. After a while I start to feel more tired and eventually fall asleep with Tweek also later beside me.
"Good night honey. I love you.."
"Love you too craig..."

____________________________________sorryyyyy it's so bad I have literally no motivation to write and I can't really do it's tomorrow bc I'm busy with- things. Haha anyways
Hope everyone has a great day/night/afternoon

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