~Kyle Pov~

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TW: slurs because it's cartman (all slurs will be sensored)
Me and Stan were sat outside the school waiting for the bus to arrive to take us to the theme park for this school trip. Stan was listening to his music while I sat scrolling through insta gram on my phone. I turned to him tapping his shoulder lightly. He removed his earphones and looked at me gently. 'Yeah?'
'I'm bored' I complain reading my head in my hands. He smiles at me. 'Wanna listen? At least until the bus comes?' He asks holding out one side of his earphones. 'What is it?' I ask putting in the earphone and jumping slightly as the music begins to blast through the phone. 'Trees, McCafferty' he answers as we both lean our head together until we're touching. We sat there waiting for god knows how long until Kenny pushed the both of us. We both took out the earphones and turned to look at him. 'The busses here if you want the back seats as usual you need to hurry the fuck up' Kenny answers nonchalantly walking back off towards butters who was stood conversing with Craig and tweek. We stood up and stepped onto the bus heading to our usual seats at the back. Stan sat near the window and I sat in the isle seat. We regained our position from before one earphone each and our heads leaning together. My ginger curls twisting with Stan's straight black hair. The ride was quick enough but I'm fairly sure that was only because me and Stan were together. I looked over to the side to see Kenny and butters making out on the seat and tweek laying half asleep on Craig watching a movie on there phones. I sighed to myself letting myself drift back into thought. God I wish I could lay on Stan like that with out being so scared. I reawakened from my thoughts to the feeling of the bus stopping. Me and Stan stood up and headed out the bus into the sparkling sunlight. We stood out there and listened to our teacher going on about safety rules and that. 'So you must stay in pairs and be back here for 3:00 so we can get back to school so we're not sued again.' He says bored as the rest of us run away in pairs. Kenny and butters. Tweek and Craig. Me and Stan. Clyde and Tolkien. Wendy and Bebe. Red and Heidi etc.. me and Stan walked around the park staring at multiple people start screaming about roller coasters and multiple different things. 'Stan should we go in the scare house?' I ask excitedly. As soon as I say those words Stan's expression changes to one of amusement. 'Oh god do you not remember what happened last time we went in one of those. I had to carry you because you had a panic attack!' Stan says rolling his eyes at me as I blush in embarrassment. 'I thought we agreed to not talk about that again.' I say shyly as we walk towards the scare house. 'Okay okay we can go in, but don't be scared told hold my hand ky~' Stan teases as I frown at him. 'I don't need you hand.' I turn smirking at him. 'Stanley' I grin as he looks annoyed and offended. 'I know you did not just use my full name! Anyways I bet you you'll be scared after not even 10 minutes.' He laughs and I blush. I read off the sign and saw that it was said to last at least 30 minutes. Me and Stan walk in. I was stood confidently. This can't be that scary. Not even five minutes in and I'm stood almost crying behind Stan grabbing hold of his arm. 'Kyle. It hasn't even been 10 minutes.' Stan says holding onto my waist to stop me from falling. A while later and I was once again scared. This time I could feel Stan also become scared. Eventually after what felt like the longest half an hour of my life we stepped back out into the glittering sun. I was still holding onto Stan's hand and he was calmer now. He took me to a slightly less crowded place to calm down. He held me closer to him and rubbed my back gently. 'I told you you'd be scared.' He says softly. 'I don't understand why you like to scare you're self I don't think you're weak you don't need to prove anything to anyone you know.' Those words sunk deep into my mind as I slowed my thoughts down. 'Really...' I say quietly as he continues to hug me. 'Yeah now let's go somewhere else and have fun!' He says just as u was gaining enough confidence to tell him how I feel. I sigh and let myself be led back into the crowd. We were walking through the crowd sharing a bag of Cotten candy. There was a sudden quiet that was cast upon the park and everyone stopped. Me and Stan huddled closer ʼwhat's happening?' I ask. There's a sudden cry of pain that echoed through the crowed. Me and Stan glanced at each other as we ran forwards towards the shouting. As we slowed to a stop we could we heard a voice ring out through the crowd. I felt my heart stop. Butters was stood there blood dripping from his head. Kenny was screaming at cartman while tweek and Craig attempted to help butters bleeding head. Cartman was stood there laughing. A massive crown gathered round to see what was happening. Cartman laughed harder and I felt the colour rush from my face as we made eye contact. ' oh look the other f**s have joined us!' He laughed. I felt my body become overwhelmed with anger. 'Fuck you cartman!' I angrily shouted at him. Already knowing what was gonna happen butters Craig and tweek backed up out my way as I walked into the middle ,despite Stan's efforts stop me, to stand by Kenny's side. 'Stan are you gonna come join us or will ur dad get drunk because you're too much of a disappointment agai-' he did even finish his sentence before I charged at him and the two is us fell crashing the the floor. I punched cartman as hard as possible blood rushed down his face until he was barely even recognise able. I kept hitting him despite his desperate efforts to escape. And whoever was trying to pull me off him screaming at me to stop and that he was going to die but I didn't care. I just kept punching him until I was to tired to move. 'You.. don't ever.. talk about him... like.. that again!' I shout between breathes. I turned to look at where Stan was stood he was pale and look scared. 'Kyle watch out-' someone called out to me just as I turned to look cartman was practically on top of me. There was blood covering his face and I could see his eyes. They were livid and riddled with anger. I breathed a dead breath and attempted to push him off me. I couldn't breathe. I was to tired and he was to fat for me to be able to push him off. 'Fuck- get.. Of me!' I shouted back at him. I turned my head away and started coughing. Just as I was starting to regain my strength. I felt his cold hands wrap tightly round my neck. 'You're not winning this time. Jew~.' He said staring down at me. I felt my self start to black out and just as I was accepting my fate, someone grabbed cartman and threw him off me cartman yelped in pain as he hit the ground. I felt someone grab me and pull me up. Cold tears rushed down my face mixing with the crimson blood that dripped from my mouth. 'It's alright,' Stan whispered softly rubbing my back in circular motions. I just sat there and kept crying into his shoulder while he sat there hugging me closer. He ran his fingers through my hair as multiple of our classmates gathered round to see what had happened. Eventually the teachers arrived and walked me and Stan back to the bus. I still had my hand on my throat and Stan kept hold of me. He explained to the teachers what happened, me and cartman got a lecture on not fighting. I continued to cough up blood all the way home with Stan still holding on to me tightly. The whole buss ride was a blur including what happened after. All I remember was my mother yelling and I was put in the back of the car. And my parents drove me to the hospital. Doctors kept telling my parents I was fine and all I needed was pain killers but they didn't believe them. I sat there on call to Stan. I have no idea why but I hadn't stopped asking if he was okay. After he's said he had to go I hung up the phone and was led back out of the ER and into the car as I began to cry. The only reason I was going on that trip was to hopefully get with Stan and now I'm sat crying in the back of the car in an ER parking lot crying. Maybe next time.

____________________________________the original plan for this was they go to the park and Kyle gets scared in the scare house thing and they go out back and make out and start dating and turn the trip into a date and run away from the park and go explore but well- that's didn't exactly happen. Maybe they will get together next chapter maybe they won't I don't know- also I'm sure all of you are gonna be absolutely so sad to hear this but this story is sadly coming to an end. BUT DO NOT FEAR because I will make a new one- it will also be South Park themed obviously my main ships are style bunny and creek so it will probably be about one of them. Anyways if anyone has any recommendations please feel free to tell me I really appreciate all the people who have read my story ❤️
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon

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