~Stan Pov~

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TW: Description of blood and gore?
I sat on my stairs waiting. Where the actual fuck is Kyle and Kenny? They should of been here hours ago. I rolled my eyes and sat backwards on the stairs and scrolled through YouTube. Then the knocking started. I smiled at the familiar knocking pattern. The door swing open and I grabbed onto Kyle's pale hands dragging him inside. 'Stan!' He scolded as I practically threw him onto the couch. 'Sorry, where is Kenny at?' I felt the joy ,of seeing Kyle, melt into worry. Kenny never ditched us, unless he's sick, witch he isn't because he would've told us. 'I don't know, I went to his house but no one answered.' Kyle answered looking at the floor. Smiling sadly at him I placed my hand on his shoulder, 'I'm sure he's fine ky don't worry anyways what do you wanna do?' He smiled at me and turned back to the tv. 'Erm,' he starts. 'movie?' He phrased it as a question even though I already knew I didn't have a choice. 'Sounds good.' I smiled back at him as he grabbed the TV remotes and turned on our tv. I layed back against the sofa. I couldn't help but notice the growing feeling of worry in my stomach. Why was I so concerned, we all know the only way of contacting us Kenny has is that old shitty phone of Kyle's. It's probably dead. There's nothing to worry about. 'This good?' Kyles voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look up to see he has the saw movies up on the screen. 'Yep, as long as you promise not to get all scared and hold on to me again.' I finished the sentence with a laugh and his face flushed red. God he looks cute. As the movie started to play I watched as Kyle pulled his knees up to his stomach and stared at the tv screen. 'On come on ky it's only an old man stuck in a room full of barbed wire, not even scary!' I teased as he punched my arm lightly.I chuckled as him and felt my gaze drift to his hands. He was holding his own hands and I felt my mind drift. He would look so much better holding my hand. Before I knew it he was huddled up next to me grabbing on to my arms like someone was coming to take him away and I was his only hope of survival. I couldn't help but blush at him. He's so adorable. I smiled and tangled my arms around him. After a while I felt Kyle slowly begin to fall asleep on me. My heart raced as I looked at his pale face that was partly covered by his ebony red curls. I felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me and I began to drift asleep when a desperate knocking shook the house. I shot up startled. Kyle also fell forwards but ultimately stayed asleep. I stood up carefully going to turn the light switch on but desiring against it so I didn't wake up the ginger boy. I smiled to myself as the rapid knocking continued. The door opened to reveal a rather distressed and upset butters. 'Oh shit Butters what happened???' I exclaimed pulling him into my house and shutting the door. 'I-it's Kenny' butters stammered and I felt my whole stomach drop. Oh no. No no no no no no. 'He's missing...'

____________________________________cliff hanger hahahahhahahahaha what do y'all think happened to kenny guysssssss also ONE OF MY FAV MOVIES SAWWWWWW YAATAYAYYAYyyYayay Lol srry I'm rlly weird also lol thx for the help Anna1Loading
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